Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy...

I don't really know much about that other than it being from a song by a popstar called Ke$ha about another popstar named P.Diddy, who supposedly has problems waking up in the morning due to the excess consumption of intoxicating substances. Since today is one of the days I feel like Ke$ha who is feeling like P.Diddy, I only saw it fitting to start this post off with it. Today is January the first, year 2012, which may or may not be the last year of human existance, but what I do know is that the first month of this year is likely to be more or less interesting. That or horribly boring. What, you ask, has this 2012 have so special it deserves special mention?

On a very early morning of the 31st of December, in a local pub, while slightly more than moredately intoxicated, me and a good friend of mine made a peculiar pact. We decided that we would stop drinking for a whole month in the beginning of the next year. Since we didn't plan to go cold turkey when the clock hits 12 midnight, we found that it would be best to start our ordeal with the second day of January. While I'm not much for pacts and such, maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had a sober week since the end of 2009, maybe it was my health that has been acting up, maybe it was just me being tired of all that's been going on, or rather not going on, I agreed.

So Fuck You, life, I'm going cold turkey until February the second.

At least I'll try.

I know what you're thinking. "I know this guy, he could easily turn off from the world and no-life for a month. Another playthrough of Skyrim or some other painfully long game would make that month just fly by!" Sure, that's the easy way out, but I have a mission here. I plan to continue with my current lifestyle of being out and about, meeting new people, seeing friends and ending up seeing postal workers doing their rounds at 5am on a work-night. Well, I'll try to refrain from that last part, like I always do.

So here's to hoping that today will be my last morning with a hangover for at least a month.

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