Oh god, this can finally be over. The final night of sobriety, well at least the beginning.
I got off work after 7 pm and as usually didn't really have a clue where I should eat. While I slowly made my way towards Möku, I figured I should go to Crepp, as I haven't been there in a while, but once I got there, I noticed it was quite crowded, so I gave up on it and went to Möku.
I got to Möku at about 19.30 feeling quite annoyed at the fact that I have to be sober for the next 4 and a half hours. At this point I was completely fed up with this project-thing-whatever.
When I got to Möku, it was pretty much empty, with just Mari and Maria working the bar and Christoph Waltz and Daniel Craig at the bar. I sat down next to Christoph Waltz and was pretty much sulking for about a half an hour, listening to Christoph Waltz chatting with Maria and Mari, occasionally joining in. At this point I was feeling especially down and the chair next to me pissed me off, always turning on it's own and hitting my elbow. This happened many times during the evening, that damn chair.
While reading my little black book and deciding what to write next, I discovered something interesting. An elaborate plot twist. Apparently the little black book ... is not black. It's actually a white notebook in a black sleeve! How about that for a shocker!
Meanwhile I realized I'm still hungry and not sure where I should go for dinner. While contemplating my predicament out loud, Christoph Waltz suggest ordering food. From Crepp, which is next door. Since I wanted to go there anyway, I found this to be an excellent idea. She even offered to order for me. Since she works there, she also offered to pick the food up once it's done and bring it over. I gave her some money and she soon walked in with a huge orange plate of food. She apparently also got a huge discount. Man, it's good to have friends. Thanks, Christoph Waltz. I ordered a coffee and proceeded to stuff my face with some tasty tasty food. Pig medallions with honey and cider sauce, simply amazing. They call it a salad, which pretty much means that this meal just had more green stuff on it, which pretty much makes it look like a mountain of food. I finished my meal and took the plate back to Crepp.
Feeling a little bit better after the meal and Möku still pretty much empty, I proceeded to chat with the rest of the group. At some point Daniel Craig left for Kivi, so I was at Möku with three girls. At some point the themes started going in a weird direction. We started with religion and how it's perfectly fine to have one and believe in it, but it's not okay to demand other people around you to believe the same things. This made me remember one of my favorite quotes about religion:
Religion is like a penis - it's okay to have one and it's quite normal to be proud of it, but it's not okay to whip it out in public and it's definitely not okay to shove it down out children's throats.
I'm not entirely sure who said it first and I'm pretty sure it wasn't originally in those exact words, but the point remains.
This chat let us to the next subject of media shoving stuff down our throats and apparently most of the girls there appreciate the wonders of reality television. Christoph Waltz found that TLC is an excellent channel for laziness. When you really don't plan on doing anything, you can just turn on TLC and be a couch potato for a while. I've seen what's on TLC a few times and most of it is quite low-brow, so I can see how it can be somewhat relaxing. We proceeded talking about all the "wonderful" stuff you can see on TLC, to which Maria exclaimed that she would stop watching TLC the moment "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo" airs. After some discussion we found that while highly disturbing, the family is actually less dysfunctional than most. While being a very unpleasant individual, from what I hear, the mother of said Boo-Boo is actually a very loving parent to have invested so much time and money into this horrid thing. Also, from what I hear, the kid's father loves that mother-thing to bits, which can't be said for many "normal" families. This realization is scary.
The conversation continued into the more disturbing direction, when Maria began wondering about the phrase "fucking weird" and what would be so weird during an intercourse that the partner would just go "you're fucking weird" and it would be literal. We speculated that singing while having sex would be quite fucking weird. I also explored the possibility of understanding the phrase in a different way, where when one is "fucking weird", they're actually having intercourse with someone who cannot be considered normal.
There were other fascinating subjects, but nothing interesting enough for me to make note of.
Some time later I bought a beer. For Christoph Waltz, for providing the tasty meal earlier. I bought myself some bubbly water with grenadine. I like this drink. Very refreshing.
At the time, the night was still quiet and I haven't seen any familiar faces besides Daniel Craig and Christoph Waltz yet, so I wasn't too happy when I checked the time and realized it was only half past nine. I still had two and a half hours of sobriety and that made me sad. I explained my unhappiness with the situation, to which Maria said that since I had my last drink in the early hours of the first of January and probably sobered up somewhere around midday of the first, I had already been sober for a bit over a month. This made me think.
And at that moment I decided to send it all to hell. I was sick of this stupid project. Wait for another two hours? For what? To prove what exactly? So I decided to bump it down a few hours and start at 10 pm. I figured I'd get drunk by the time it was midnight and be a huge disappointment for all my fans who would show up a bit before midnight to witness me having the first drink of the year as promised. Looking back, it was probably a good idea, because nobody showed up for that. Nobody gave a shit.
So at 22:00, I ordered a beer and Christoph Waltz wrote "rebel without a cause" in my little black (white) book.
And then I got drunk.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Sick, bro!
It's full moon outside. Supposed to mean something crazy, except nothing crazy actually happened. Or did it?
Day 25 of not smoking and day 24 of being sober. The day started with me sleeping too long, but since we had our monthly meeting this week and it was a whopping 45 minutes longer than it was supposed to be, I had some extra hours to waste. Anyway, I planned on an early evening but since I made it to work at such a stupid time, I still had to work until my usual 7 pm. Since, as usual, I didn't have a clue where I should eat at, I decided to wing it and went to Hesburger. I had a bacon burger. Because bacon. I also tried a new sauce. Apparently it's mayo with blue cheese. As I've been experimenting with blue cheese a lot, I thought I'd give it a shot. This was a horrible idea, as the whitish sauce tasted like a combination of old socks and molten plastic. I haven't tasted either of those things, but after tasting that ghastly concoction they call a sauce, I'm pretty sure that's how these things taste. In other words, yuck. I think this sauce was made for the sole purpose of making the other types of sauces taste better.
After some bacon and fries, mostly without the sauce, I decided to finally go and get a lottery ticket. I went to the usual kiosk which was closed again, as I explained last week, at 7 pm. I didn't give up though and went to another kiosk further down the street and further away from Möku and finally got myself a ticket. If I win a shitton of money today, you won't get any, so stop asking. Unless you're Möku. I plan to spend a little bit of it at Möku.
So... I finally got to Möku at about 20:05 and as soon as I stepped in, Keiu and Suss downed a shot of something nasty. Apparently Suss already had some drinks and was also hungry, so she was somewhat tipsy already. That's okay, as she was only substituting for Maria who arrived some time later. There was some kind of Möku staff party and most of the staff stepped by before going there. That reminds me, need to set up a time with Roosi before next weekend. I look like a beast already, some people didn't recognize me.
When I arrived, syphilis and scurvy were already at the bar finishing their first drink and I had a seat next to them. This was a strategically bad place to sit, but it was about the only reasonably good spot left at the bar, as the hour was quite late for my arrival. We did some sarcasm exercises on syphilis and apparently I can be sarcastic when I'm sober but my sense of humor is somewhat sub-par. Need to get drunk for funny, as we've already established last year. Our chat carried on for some half an hour until I noticed that I didn't have a drink yet. As I'm quite tired of the generic sobriety drink selection, I had some interesting drinks this time and the first of these sober cocktails was a simple club soda with grenadine, ice and some lemon. Put it in a lovely beer glass and voilà, we have a tasty drink that looks fancy as fuck.
We kept talking about general stuff and at one point I got a very slight tingly pain in my jaw, which made me realize another bad part about sobriety - you can't drink the pain away. As the pain was very light, it went away quickly, but the same principle applies to psychological pain, from let's say doing something stupid and regretting it. One does not regret as much when drunk...
Meanwhile, Suss and Keiu decided that a new shot should be created. Off the top of my head, I suggested mixing Sour Apple and Minttu. Apparently it's very tasty even though I didn't actually get to try it. I will, soon. It seems that I have a bit of a knack for creating cocktails and shots. A lot of the shots in the infamous Möku drink book have something to do with me. Another clear indication of me drinking way too much and too often. We called the new shot "Uus shot", or "the new shot".
Shortly after the creation of another instant classic, Maria arrived and Suss went off to the party. Syphilis then told an interesting story about the difference between a good and a bad student. The story was about a friend of ours who had an exam some few weeks back and had Way too much to drink the night before. Apparently a good student is able to get a decent grade from an exam while intoxicated or hung over. Things the university teaches young people...
After this the subjects got weird. At one point syphilis asked us if we'd prefer sex with a 6 year old boy or an 85 year old woman. We then proceeded to discuss the merits and problems with having sexual relations with an 85 year old woman. This ended in a philosophical idea about age and STD-s. If you get an STD from an 85 year old woman that has had an STD for 60 years, do you have an STD that's older than you? Really made me think, this one.
Meanwhile, syphilis and scurvy went out for a smoke and Maria, having just been to a basketball event noted that photographing basketball players in action never ends with a proper picture, to which we found that this applies to most sports. You can't get a decent photo of a person who is currently pushing their physical limits. Perhaps with the exception of a marathon, where in the first few kilometers some people look quite alright. For example, there's the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. Look it up.
Some time later I had a déjà vu moment when a guy in a blue jacket ordered a rum and coke specifically without any ice or lime. Once he got his drink, another dude wearing the same kind of blue jacket ordered exactly the same. They even looked alike. I thought I was out of sync or something.
Shortly after that I decided to continue with my extreme sobriety drinks and had coffee. Just a coffee with some brown sugar. It's extreme because I never have coffee at Möku. This could have been the very first time I had coffee at Möku. It was quite good, actually.
The next subject might disturb some people, so be warned right away. This past week I and many others discovered a strange blog-like facebook page called "Älice megaa põnev elu ." in which an early teen girl of about 14 years of age documents stories about her complicated school and love life. Now, what makes this so interesting is the absolutely and utterly retarded language she uses to describe her adventures. She posts about once a day and I find the phenomenon of her and her popularity extremely fascinating. Perhaps because it's also one of those documentary types of blogs much like this one here. Perhaps I just need a little bit of low-brow reading material to spice up my life. Perhaps I just want to know what the hell will she come up with next. I'm pretty sure whoever is writing that horrid collection of misspelled words is actually an internet troll trying to gain popularity. If that is the case here, they have done an amazing job. Even elu24 picked it up and released an article about it. That is just some amazing level of retardation to simply write off as bullshit. Another chapter of "it's so bad it's good". I spent some 3 to 4 minutes discussing the complicated relations between Älice, Tommy and Kevvu with syphilis, another avid reader of their utterly stupendous adventures. I am also suspecting this to be a fan fiction for Twilight.
After this things got a bit quiet for a little while, at least until foot fungus walked in. He took a look at my little black notebook and laughed loudly about my note on Älice. Apparently even with him being away from civilization most of last week, he knew about that horrible thing.
I had a chat with foot fungus and we decided that one thing that's missing from Möku's lineup of alcoholic beverages would be Bacardi 151 over-proof rum. While it's a very popular beverage abroad and is generally used in a lot of different shots, it doesn't seem to be available in Estonia. We're sure it would be Very popular with the foreigners. Also we'd probably manage to create that Casual Shot from this we were thinking of with Maria. That would be epic. After our discussion, foot fungus went off to Kivi.
This brings us to my next extreme drink in a lineup of extreme drinks. As someone just had a White Russian, I figured we'd need a virgin version of it, so I ordered a small coffee with ice and a lot of milk. After finding it a bit too bitter, I added a tiny bit of sugar and the drink turned out quite lovely. We called it the White Estonian.
Shortly after that paraflu arrived, greeted me, had a Sparta and went out to find a friend he was expecting.
After that foot fungus returned from Kivi and immediately sensed the strong odor of Stroh in the air. "Spartas have been had!", he exclaimed. At least this is how I imagine him saying that. He actually just noticed the smell at the door and pointed out that he has a very good nose. I suggested he'd get into the business of wine or beer tasting, to which he said that he's already an expert on beer and had a sip of Alexander. Well, yeah...
Another interesting thing I noticed, people apparently trust me with their booze more easily knowing that I won't have any. Not that I would anyway, but it just seems to be another thing to do with sobriety. Probably just my imagination.
Meanwhile, people continued drinking Spartas all over the place. There were two guys next to me and one of them really wanted the other to have another Sparta and the other kept talking about an important meeting he had to attend the next day. At the same time paraflu ordered another Sparta and also one for his friend. The friend had to go back to Kivi, but paraflu stayed with us. He told us a story about how he went skiing and fell face first into some snow, to which I asked him if he had died, to which Maria explained that the best answer to that question would be "a little bit".
23:13. Foot fungus asked me to write down the time when Möku suddenly got full of people. It happens quite suddenly as there is not a lot of space to go around and it takes an average group of people to fill up the whole bar. We don't see it as a problem but rather just an interesting phenomenon.
Paraflu kept telling us about how well he's doing. Apparently he had acquired a building and it had three arch-ceiling basement halls quite similar to Möku. Someone said it'd be an excellent sex-dungeon, to which we agreed that having three sex-dungeons would be three times as good as having just one sex-dungeon.
Since Möku was quite full of people at this point, I noticed how strategically bad my seat was. Apparently everyone ordering a drink behind me had to pretty much rub against me with their winter clothes and were I drunk, perhaps I wouldn't mind, but being sober, it pissed me off and I went outside for a breath of fresh air. Good air, a bit cold but very refreshing. Once back inside and with the group, I noticed a familiar-looking girl smiling at me from the other end of the bar, when I realized it was schizophrenia. She'd been in a far-away country for quite a while and while I knew she was back, I didn't actually remember of the possibility of seeing her there and was quite surprised. I gave her a hug and had a chat with her and her friends.
After being back with my group, I decided to show foot fungus a really clever way for multiplying large numbers (under a hundred, usually). I won't go into detail right now, as it's quite a visual way of doing it, but you can ask me about it if you're interested. Apparently that's the way Japanese kids are being thought multiplication in schools and we all know how smart those little dudes are.
Some more time passed when asthma and cough joined us. I haven't talked to asthma in quite a while and I also knew cough from Möku, so I invited them to join our little group. Soon after syphilis and scurvy left and we occupied their seats. There was some sort of a problem with paraflu's phone, so he used my phone to call his girlfriend. Apparently he couldn't quite do it and only reached her on the third attempt. Smartphones, man... Oh, and turning it off and on again did not work. Must be broken or something.
Suddenly it was already midnight and foot fungus exclaimed that I now had 154 hours of sobriety left. No, 164. I checked with my calculator, it was 168. Apparently foot fungus couldn't manage simple calculations any more, but at least he knew where he went wrong. But yeah, apparently it was exactly a week until the end of my stupid masochistic project. Seriously, everybody who asked why I was doing this got the same answer: because I'm stupid. It's stupid and sobriety isn't fun and people shouldn't go cold turkey. Sure they should drink a bit less, maybe spend some time with their families or do something productive...
Anyway, after that realization foot fungus left for the night.
While having a chat with asthma about something silly and trying to write down that foot fungus had left she tried to tickle me. As I am extremely ticklish and hate when people do that, I tried to defend myself, only accidentally managed to hit a cup of jack and coke out of the hand of cough and it ended up in asthma's face. Yeaaah... That has to be the only stupid accident like this to have happened during both of my sobriety runs. Asthma ran off to the toilet with cough after her after loudly expressing his unhappiness with the situation. Feels bad, man. I sat there awkwardly for a little while not knowing what to do. These things are so much more awkward for sober people...
So yeah, Sorry, asthma, I really didn't mean to attack you with cough's drink.
Soon after the spilled alcohol, paraflu's girlfriend arrived to take him home and I got a ride home, too. I left Möku at about 00:20. On the way home paraflu not knowing exactly where I live, decided to guide the driver and see if he can guess where to go. He only managed to miss one turn. Thanks for the ride, paraflu!
So all in all, a fun night with an awkward end.
As you might have realized, my road to fame and fortune ends next Friday when I plan to start drinking as soon as the second of February arrives, at midnight. This means that the first of February, which is Friday, will start as a sober night and will probably end up with me being drunk. I won't be doing anything too crazy, I hope, but it seems that the night will not be uneventful. Hey, perhaps I can finally meet the girl I've been planning to meet all month but who always manages to make it to Möku just when I've already left.
There will probably be no post tomorrow, as it's my mum's birthday, which also means that I'll probably miss the open mic in Möku. Sad, really, but mum is more important than comedy. And no, I will not be combining the two.
Day 25 of not smoking and day 24 of being sober. The day started with me sleeping too long, but since we had our monthly meeting this week and it was a whopping 45 minutes longer than it was supposed to be, I had some extra hours to waste. Anyway, I planned on an early evening but since I made it to work at such a stupid time, I still had to work until my usual 7 pm. Since, as usual, I didn't have a clue where I should eat at, I decided to wing it and went to Hesburger. I had a bacon burger. Because bacon. I also tried a new sauce. Apparently it's mayo with blue cheese. As I've been experimenting with blue cheese a lot, I thought I'd give it a shot. This was a horrible idea, as the whitish sauce tasted like a combination of old socks and molten plastic. I haven't tasted either of those things, but after tasting that ghastly concoction they call a sauce, I'm pretty sure that's how these things taste. In other words, yuck. I think this sauce was made for the sole purpose of making the other types of sauces taste better.
After some bacon and fries, mostly without the sauce, I decided to finally go and get a lottery ticket. I went to the usual kiosk which was closed again, as I explained last week, at 7 pm. I didn't give up though and went to another kiosk further down the street and further away from Möku and finally got myself a ticket. If I win a shitton of money today, you won't get any, so stop asking. Unless you're Möku. I plan to spend a little bit of it at Möku.
So... I finally got to Möku at about 20:05 and as soon as I stepped in, Keiu and Suss downed a shot of something nasty. Apparently Suss already had some drinks and was also hungry, so she was somewhat tipsy already. That's okay, as she was only substituting for Maria who arrived some time later. There was some kind of Möku staff party and most of the staff stepped by before going there. That reminds me, need to set up a time with Roosi before next weekend. I look like a beast already, some people didn't recognize me.
When I arrived, syphilis and scurvy were already at the bar finishing their first drink and I had a seat next to them. This was a strategically bad place to sit, but it was about the only reasonably good spot left at the bar, as the hour was quite late for my arrival. We did some sarcasm exercises on syphilis and apparently I can be sarcastic when I'm sober but my sense of humor is somewhat sub-par. Need to get drunk for funny, as we've already established last year. Our chat carried on for some half an hour until I noticed that I didn't have a drink yet. As I'm quite tired of the generic sobriety drink selection, I had some interesting drinks this time and the first of these sober cocktails was a simple club soda with grenadine, ice and some lemon. Put it in a lovely beer glass and voilà, we have a tasty drink that looks fancy as fuck.
We kept talking about general stuff and at one point I got a very slight tingly pain in my jaw, which made me realize another bad part about sobriety - you can't drink the pain away. As the pain was very light, it went away quickly, but the same principle applies to psychological pain, from let's say doing something stupid and regretting it. One does not regret as much when drunk...
Meanwhile, Suss and Keiu decided that a new shot should be created. Off the top of my head, I suggested mixing Sour Apple and Minttu. Apparently it's very tasty even though I didn't actually get to try it. I will, soon. It seems that I have a bit of a knack for creating cocktails and shots. A lot of the shots in the infamous Möku drink book have something to do with me. Another clear indication of me drinking way too much and too often. We called the new shot "Uus shot", or "the new shot".
Shortly after the creation of another instant classic, Maria arrived and Suss went off to the party. Syphilis then told an interesting story about the difference between a good and a bad student. The story was about a friend of ours who had an exam some few weeks back and had Way too much to drink the night before. Apparently a good student is able to get a decent grade from an exam while intoxicated or hung over. Things the university teaches young people...
After this the subjects got weird. At one point syphilis asked us if we'd prefer sex with a 6 year old boy or an 85 year old woman. We then proceeded to discuss the merits and problems with having sexual relations with an 85 year old woman. This ended in a philosophical idea about age and STD-s. If you get an STD from an 85 year old woman that has had an STD for 60 years, do you have an STD that's older than you? Really made me think, this one.
Meanwhile, syphilis and scurvy went out for a smoke and Maria, having just been to a basketball event noted that photographing basketball players in action never ends with a proper picture, to which we found that this applies to most sports. You can't get a decent photo of a person who is currently pushing their physical limits. Perhaps with the exception of a marathon, where in the first few kilometers some people look quite alright. For example, there's the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. Look it up.
Some time later I had a déjà vu moment when a guy in a blue jacket ordered a rum and coke specifically without any ice or lime. Once he got his drink, another dude wearing the same kind of blue jacket ordered exactly the same. They even looked alike. I thought I was out of sync or something.
Shortly after that I decided to continue with my extreme sobriety drinks and had coffee. Just a coffee with some brown sugar. It's extreme because I never have coffee at Möku. This could have been the very first time I had coffee at Möku. It was quite good, actually.
The next subject might disturb some people, so be warned right away. This past week I and many others discovered a strange blog-like facebook page called "Älice megaa põnev elu ." in which an early teen girl of about 14 years of age documents stories about her complicated school and love life. Now, what makes this so interesting is the absolutely and utterly retarded language she uses to describe her adventures. She posts about once a day and I find the phenomenon of her and her popularity extremely fascinating. Perhaps because it's also one of those documentary types of blogs much like this one here. Perhaps I just need a little bit of low-brow reading material to spice up my life. Perhaps I just want to know what the hell will she come up with next. I'm pretty sure whoever is writing that horrid collection of misspelled words is actually an internet troll trying to gain popularity. If that is the case here, they have done an amazing job. Even elu24 picked it up and released an article about it. That is just some amazing level of retardation to simply write off as bullshit. Another chapter of "it's so bad it's good". I spent some 3 to 4 minutes discussing the complicated relations between Älice, Tommy and Kevvu with syphilis, another avid reader of their utterly stupendous adventures. I am also suspecting this to be a fan fiction for Twilight.
After this things got a bit quiet for a little while, at least until foot fungus walked in. He took a look at my little black notebook and laughed loudly about my note on Älice. Apparently even with him being away from civilization most of last week, he knew about that horrible thing.
I had a chat with foot fungus and we decided that one thing that's missing from Möku's lineup of alcoholic beverages would be Bacardi 151 over-proof rum. While it's a very popular beverage abroad and is generally used in a lot of different shots, it doesn't seem to be available in Estonia. We're sure it would be Very popular with the foreigners. Also we'd probably manage to create that Casual Shot from this we were thinking of with Maria. That would be epic. After our discussion, foot fungus went off to Kivi.
This brings us to my next extreme drink in a lineup of extreme drinks. As someone just had a White Russian, I figured we'd need a virgin version of it, so I ordered a small coffee with ice and a lot of milk. After finding it a bit too bitter, I added a tiny bit of sugar and the drink turned out quite lovely. We called it the White Estonian.
Shortly after that paraflu arrived, greeted me, had a Sparta and went out to find a friend he was expecting.
After that foot fungus returned from Kivi and immediately sensed the strong odor of Stroh in the air. "Spartas have been had!", he exclaimed. At least this is how I imagine him saying that. He actually just noticed the smell at the door and pointed out that he has a very good nose. I suggested he'd get into the business of wine or beer tasting, to which he said that he's already an expert on beer and had a sip of Alexander. Well, yeah...
Another interesting thing I noticed, people apparently trust me with their booze more easily knowing that I won't have any. Not that I would anyway, but it just seems to be another thing to do with sobriety. Probably just my imagination.
Meanwhile, people continued drinking Spartas all over the place. There were two guys next to me and one of them really wanted the other to have another Sparta and the other kept talking about an important meeting he had to attend the next day. At the same time paraflu ordered another Sparta and also one for his friend. The friend had to go back to Kivi, but paraflu stayed with us. He told us a story about how he went skiing and fell face first into some snow, to which I asked him if he had died, to which Maria explained that the best answer to that question would be "a little bit".
Paraflu kept telling us about how well he's doing. Apparently he had acquired a building and it had three arch-ceiling basement halls quite similar to Möku. Someone said it'd be an excellent sex-dungeon, to which we agreed that having three sex-dungeons would be three times as good as having just one sex-dungeon.
Since Möku was quite full of people at this point, I noticed how strategically bad my seat was. Apparently everyone ordering a drink behind me had to pretty much rub against me with their winter clothes and were I drunk, perhaps I wouldn't mind, but being sober, it pissed me off and I went outside for a breath of fresh air. Good air, a bit cold but very refreshing. Once back inside and with the group, I noticed a familiar-looking girl smiling at me from the other end of the bar, when I realized it was schizophrenia. She'd been in a far-away country for quite a while and while I knew she was back, I didn't actually remember of the possibility of seeing her there and was quite surprised. I gave her a hug and had a chat with her and her friends.
After being back with my group, I decided to show foot fungus a really clever way for multiplying large numbers (under a hundred, usually). I won't go into detail right now, as it's quite a visual way of doing it, but you can ask me about it if you're interested. Apparently that's the way Japanese kids are being thought multiplication in schools and we all know how smart those little dudes are.
Some more time passed when asthma and cough joined us. I haven't talked to asthma in quite a while and I also knew cough from Möku, so I invited them to join our little group. Soon after syphilis and scurvy left and we occupied their seats. There was some sort of a problem with paraflu's phone, so he used my phone to call his girlfriend. Apparently he couldn't quite do it and only reached her on the third attempt. Smartphones, man... Oh, and turning it off and on again did not work. Must be broken or something.
Suddenly it was already midnight and foot fungus exclaimed that I now had 154 hours of sobriety left. No, 164. I checked with my calculator, it was 168. Apparently foot fungus couldn't manage simple calculations any more, but at least he knew where he went wrong. But yeah, apparently it was exactly a week until the end of my stupid masochistic project. Seriously, everybody who asked why I was doing this got the same answer: because I'm stupid. It's stupid and sobriety isn't fun and people shouldn't go cold turkey. Sure they should drink a bit less, maybe spend some time with their families or do something productive...
Anyway, after that realization foot fungus left for the night.
While having a chat with asthma about something silly and trying to write down that foot fungus had left she tried to tickle me. As I am extremely ticklish and hate when people do that, I tried to defend myself, only accidentally managed to hit a cup of jack and coke out of the hand of cough and it ended up in asthma's face. Yeaaah... That has to be the only stupid accident like this to have happened during both of my sobriety runs. Asthma ran off to the toilet with cough after her after loudly expressing his unhappiness with the situation. Feels bad, man. I sat there awkwardly for a little while not knowing what to do. These things are so much more awkward for sober people...
So yeah, Sorry, asthma, I really didn't mean to attack you with cough's drink.
Soon after the spilled alcohol, paraflu's girlfriend arrived to take him home and I got a ride home, too. I left Möku at about 00:20. On the way home paraflu not knowing exactly where I live, decided to guide the driver and see if he can guess where to go. He only managed to miss one turn. Thanks for the ride, paraflu!
So all in all, a fun night with an awkward end.
As you might have realized, my road to fame and fortune ends next Friday when I plan to start drinking as soon as the second of February arrives, at midnight. This means that the first of February, which is Friday, will start as a sober night and will probably end up with me being drunk. I won't be doing anything too crazy, I hope, but it seems that the night will not be uneventful. Hey, perhaps I can finally meet the girl I've been planning to meet all month but who always manages to make it to Möku just when I've already left.
There will probably be no post tomorrow, as it's my mum's birthday, which also means that I'll probably miss the open mic in Möku. Sad, really, but mum is more important than comedy. And no, I will not be combining the two.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Hunger Games
It's cold. Really cold. I have a new winter jacket, but it's still pretty cold. It's especially bad at home, as my heating system doesn't work properly and my bedroom becomes an icy hell overnight. It's great when I'm under the covers but getting out is an issue.
So this Friday. It was especially cold and as I'm writing this on a Saturday afternoon I already know that it was about -28 C at about 6 or 7 am. This is the time to have some alcohol in your system to feel as if you're not turning into a human icicle every given minute spent outside, but for some reason, for the second year in a row, I go on and decide to be sober instead. Yay for me, the stupid naive asshole.
So yeah. I got off work at about 7 pm and decided to finally buy a lottery ticket and get really really rich. I went to the nearest R-kiosk, which was still somewhat the other way, but found that it was closed. The normal time for it to close would have been about 10 pm but for some reason it was closed at 7 pm and I didn't get a ticket. I took this as a sign that this was not to be my turn to become filthy rich and probably not exactly my night either. Now, as usual, I didn't have the slightest idea where I should eat before going to Möku and as sometimes I go for a beer or two before deciding where to eat, I also thought to do it this time, only without the booze. After drinking a cup of tea at Möku, I realized that I did not want to leave the warm comforting seat at the bar and decided to try and not eat for change. But let's not rush things.
I got to Möku at about 19.45 and found it to be quite empty. Seeing as it was unusually cold outside, it wasn't too strange. Suss and Aadi were working the bar and black pudding was already at the bar with a friend and meat. I'm not actually entirely sure meat was black pudding's friend, but meat seemed like a sociable fellow. I wasn't familiar with meat beforehand and he introduced himself and asked me about what I'm doing. Realizing that I'm in IT, he somehow figured I'd know a thing or two about the deep web, which I sort of do but haven't been to myself. That is a strange assumption as most IT people don't know about the deep web. Anyway, after that interesting chat, black pudding told me a story about him and his colleague and how they read this here blog last Saturday and tried to figure out what they did the previous Friday. They were apparently both a part of last Friday. So yeah, this blog has turned out to be a great way for remembering last night for some drunk people. Cool.
Some time later, black pudding announced that he is destructive and left, promised to be back soon. Yeah...
Meanwhile, meat got on a philosophical streak and exclaimed something along the lines of this: Self-improvement is masturbation, now self destruction is ...
He couldn't remember the rest and got very confused. Apparently that was it. The quote is from Fight Club and by Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) when taking a Subway with Edward Norton. He doesn't finish the quote because he gets bumped by a man walking by. Apparenly meat knows his shit.
Meanwhile, I had a beer. Not just any beer, a Warsteiner. It smells a bit like bread and tastes pretty much the same. Not very good, wouldn't recommend it. Now that you're all panicky about me drinking beer, I will point out that it was non-alcoholic. Many people noted, however, that they truly and honestly believed me to be drinking normal beer. Take that, non-believers. I have to note that it had a strange effect on me. For a second there I thought I was getting slightly drunk when I wasn't really and after finishing it, I got a craving for a normal beer and a smoke. I do remind you that I've also been a non-smoker for 19 and a half days now.
Shortly after my beer-related philosophy, I started talking to meat about Rabarock and various bands that we saw there. We also agreed that Clawfinger is an awesome band and Suss played us a song called Two Sides. Apparently in the chorus of the song, a woman sings in arabic: Men allah al salam, Ya rab ya rahman which is apparently a very useful sentence when interacting with muslims, as meat explained.
Meanwhile black pudding returned and exclaimed that they had a bottle of cheap wine on the way back from a liqueur store down the street. Apparently it's fairly natural for young poor people to seek extreme measures for getting drunk outside of the pub. Not everyone can afford getting drunk at the bar all the time like I do.
Shortly after smoked eel showed up with his friend rare steak. Apparently smoked eel bought some land recently and plans to go on a skiing trip, the rich bastard. I told him about my plans with the amount of money I'm planning to win with the lottery and he suggested getting a smaller jackpot first, about 200,000 €, and buying 100,000 tickets for the bigger jackpot, thus supposedly increasing my chances of winning the bigger jackpot. This plan has a few flaws because apparently you need a helluva lot more tickets than 100,000 for a sure win of 5/50 main numbers and 2/8 additional numbers.
After that smoked eel had a Sparta and at the same time groats arrived. Apparently groats was very happy to be in town as he's currently in the army and had a small chance of not getting the weekend off due to some possible guard duty. Talking with groats we got a wonderful idea. We were talking about how we miss having Kevin around and how he should create a truly Irish bar in Tartu someday and I got a very cool idea which probably wouldn't work in Tartu or probably even in Estonia. It would be like a large department store, but it would all be bars. We'd call it the Department Bar (name in progress). It would have a posh cocktail bar that only plays soft chillout beats and serves fancy cocktails made by a show-barman and also a biker bar with strong beer and loud rock music and also a German beer bar with bad German folk music and many many other types of bars, all in the same building. It would also have loads of toilets and water fountains and it would even have a makeshift drunk-hotel for people that need to lay down after getting too drunk to stand. An excellent idea.
With all this talk of good ideas, I noticed the candy in which I typically do not partake as I don't believe candy can be mixed with beer. So I had some and as the last time I had some actual food was more than ten hours ago, this was quite possibly the best candy I've ever had. While I enjoyed my tiny piece of chocolate covered marzipan heaven, groats finished his beer and decided to go and have a look at what's going on in Kivi.
Now, each time I decide to sit there sober, I have the same problem - what to drink? I mainly had tea last year but I really don't feel like having only tea this year, so I've been experimenting with different kinds of non-alcoholic drinks. For instance I had Suss pour me a Fanta and put a little bit of grenadine in it, which did make it really sweet but it looked a lot like tequila sunrise or any other similar alcoholic drink. I called it Fantastic Sunrise. The other interesting drink I had was pretty much just water with a bit of grenadine. It looked nice and the taste was not too sweet. I also noted that with this non-drinking thing at least keeps me very well hydrated. I should be doing this in the middle of summer...
I had a chat about something with Suss and found a good use for drunk people in arguments. I was talking to Suss and suddenly asked smoked eel for confirmation about something and he agreed right away. Seems like a good way to get some backup in an argument. Useful drunk people. Now there's a concept I found surprising. As smoked eel was still very drunk, he decided to go for a walk and sober up a bit. I was left there at the bar with nobody around. Sure, rare stake was still there but didn't seem like a very interesting person to talk to so I just sat there and drank my sweetened water. It was 22:22 and the night was extremely slow.
Suddenly a whole bunch of people walked in at the same time and the bar was full of people. This only takes about 5-6 people because the bar is quite small. A night in Möku can change from empty to a full bar in the matter of minutes, really. I didn't know any of them, in fact I didn't know anyone at the bar with the exception of workers who were mostly busy. I assume this is the low point of my boredom during this project. If it gets more boring than this, I'm quitting. Well, only one more weekend to endure, really. One of the reasons for time being exceptionally slow this evening was probably my being hungry.
At 23:00, still with nothing going on, I wrote down "Bored as hell" or "Bored as it is cold outside".
Some 10 minutes later, groats finally returned. I had decided to be at Möku until at least midnight. I had an interesting chat with groats and soon after french fry and chili con carne joined us. Also note that french fry was the first girl to join us, besides Suss who was working the bar. French fry explained that she is also sober and probably staying sober for a while and also trying to quit smoking, after which she proceeded to buy a pack of cigarettes at the bar. I don't think this is how quitting works exactly. French fry then proceeded outside with chili con carne, apparently for a smoke.
Soon after breaded broccoli joined us with some friends and at this point groats was pretty much surrounded. As groats is quite a tall fellow, him surrounded by much shorter girls was quite an amusing spectacle. The girls didn't mind.
Soon after we got to speaking about Virgin drinks, or alcoholic drinks without alcohol. We speculated the existence of virgin vodka, which would probably be just an empty shot glass. I then thought about what would a virgin Sparta be and figured it'd be something along the lines of just a slice of lime next to an empty shot glass, to which groats exclaimed: "Nobody stays a virgin after Sparta because you'll be thoroughly fucked." It does get you very drunk very quickly. Reminds me about an earlier chat with groats about foreigners and drinking. We figured it'd be downright dangerous to offer them Sparta. Might kill a guy.
As french fry was sober and arrived with a car and I was tired, she offered a ride home, which was an excellent idea as it was already about -20 C at that point. Not the best weather for a walk home.
We left at about 00:20 and half way home I got a text from a girl I was supposed to meet at möku. Apparently she had arrived precisely after I had left. That's three weeks in a row now, she manages to arrive right as I'm gone...
So yeah, french fry gave me a ride home, I had a chat with her and got home without freezing my beard off. Thanks, french fry! I had some old pancakes at home and was too tired to even write this post so I'm writing this on Saturday.
All in all, a boring night, most definitely the most boring one this year. Let's just hope next week will be fun because I know the one after will be. Apparently the first of February will be a Friday and since I will not drink until it's the second of February, I won't be drinking until midnight of that particular Friday. That midnight will be something else.
Anyway, I'll first have to survive this weekend and the next.
So this Friday. It was especially cold and as I'm writing this on a Saturday afternoon I already know that it was about -28 C at about 6 or 7 am. This is the time to have some alcohol in your system to feel as if you're not turning into a human icicle every given minute spent outside, but for some reason, for the second year in a row, I go on and decide to be sober instead. Yay for me, the stupid naive asshole.
So yeah. I got off work at about 7 pm and decided to finally buy a lottery ticket and get really really rich. I went to the nearest R-kiosk, which was still somewhat the other way, but found that it was closed. The normal time for it to close would have been about 10 pm but for some reason it was closed at 7 pm and I didn't get a ticket. I took this as a sign that this was not to be my turn to become filthy rich and probably not exactly my night either. Now, as usual, I didn't have the slightest idea where I should eat before going to Möku and as sometimes I go for a beer or two before deciding where to eat, I also thought to do it this time, only without the booze. After drinking a cup of tea at Möku, I realized that I did not want to leave the warm comforting seat at the bar and decided to try and not eat for change. But let's not rush things.
I got to Möku at about 19.45 and found it to be quite empty. Seeing as it was unusually cold outside, it wasn't too strange. Suss and Aadi were working the bar and black pudding was already at the bar with a friend and meat. I'm not actually entirely sure meat was black pudding's friend, but meat seemed like a sociable fellow. I wasn't familiar with meat beforehand and he introduced himself and asked me about what I'm doing. Realizing that I'm in IT, he somehow figured I'd know a thing or two about the deep web, which I sort of do but haven't been to myself. That is a strange assumption as most IT people don't know about the deep web. Anyway, after that interesting chat, black pudding told me a story about him and his colleague and how they read this here blog last Saturday and tried to figure out what they did the previous Friday. They were apparently both a part of last Friday. So yeah, this blog has turned out to be a great way for remembering last night for some drunk people. Cool.
Some time later, black pudding announced that he is destructive and left, promised to be back soon. Yeah...
Meanwhile, meat got on a philosophical streak and exclaimed something along the lines of this: Self-improvement is masturbation, now self destruction is ...
He couldn't remember the rest and got very confused. Apparently that was it. The quote is from Fight Club and by Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) when taking a Subway with Edward Norton. He doesn't finish the quote because he gets bumped by a man walking by. Apparenly meat knows his shit.
Shortly after my beer-related philosophy, I started talking to meat about Rabarock and various bands that we saw there. We also agreed that Clawfinger is an awesome band and Suss played us a song called Two Sides. Apparently in the chorus of the song, a woman sings in arabic: Men allah al salam, Ya rab ya rahman which is apparently a very useful sentence when interacting with muslims, as meat explained.
Meanwhile black pudding returned and exclaimed that they had a bottle of cheap wine on the way back from a liqueur store down the street. Apparently it's fairly natural for young poor people to seek extreme measures for getting drunk outside of the pub. Not everyone can afford getting drunk at the bar all the time like I do.
Shortly after smoked eel showed up with his friend rare steak. Apparently smoked eel bought some land recently and plans to go on a skiing trip, the rich bastard. I told him about my plans with the amount of money I'm planning to win with the lottery and he suggested getting a smaller jackpot first, about 200,000 €, and buying 100,000 tickets for the bigger jackpot, thus supposedly increasing my chances of winning the bigger jackpot. This plan has a few flaws because apparently you need a helluva lot more tickets than 100,000 for a sure win of 5/50 main numbers and 2/8 additional numbers.
After that smoked eel had a Sparta and at the same time groats arrived. Apparently groats was very happy to be in town as he's currently in the army and had a small chance of not getting the weekend off due to some possible guard duty. Talking with groats we got a wonderful idea. We were talking about how we miss having Kevin around and how he should create a truly Irish bar in Tartu someday and I got a very cool idea which probably wouldn't work in Tartu or probably even in Estonia. It would be like a large department store, but it would all be bars. We'd call it the Department Bar (name in progress). It would have a posh cocktail bar that only plays soft chillout beats and serves fancy cocktails made by a show-barman and also a biker bar with strong beer and loud rock music and also a German beer bar with bad German folk music and many many other types of bars, all in the same building. It would also have loads of toilets and water fountains and it would even have a makeshift drunk-hotel for people that need to lay down after getting too drunk to stand. An excellent idea.
With all this talk of good ideas, I noticed the candy in which I typically do not partake as I don't believe candy can be mixed with beer. So I had some and as the last time I had some actual food was more than ten hours ago, this was quite possibly the best candy I've ever had. While I enjoyed my tiny piece of chocolate covered marzipan heaven, groats finished his beer and decided to go and have a look at what's going on in Kivi.
Now, each time I decide to sit there sober, I have the same problem - what to drink? I mainly had tea last year but I really don't feel like having only tea this year, so I've been experimenting with different kinds of non-alcoholic drinks. For instance I had Suss pour me a Fanta and put a little bit of grenadine in it, which did make it really sweet but it looked a lot like tequila sunrise or any other similar alcoholic drink. I called it Fantastic Sunrise. The other interesting drink I had was pretty much just water with a bit of grenadine. It looked nice and the taste was not too sweet. I also noted that with this non-drinking thing at least keeps me very well hydrated. I should be doing this in the middle of summer...
Suddenly a whole bunch of people walked in at the same time and the bar was full of people. This only takes about 5-6 people because the bar is quite small. A night in Möku can change from empty to a full bar in the matter of minutes, really. I didn't know any of them, in fact I didn't know anyone at the bar with the exception of workers who were mostly busy. I assume this is the low point of my boredom during this project. If it gets more boring than this, I'm quitting. Well, only one more weekend to endure, really. One of the reasons for time being exceptionally slow this evening was probably my being hungry.
At 23:00, still with nothing going on, I wrote down "Bored as hell" or "Bored as it is cold outside".
Some 10 minutes later, groats finally returned. I had decided to be at Möku until at least midnight. I had an interesting chat with groats and soon after french fry and chili con carne joined us. Also note that french fry was the first girl to join us, besides Suss who was working the bar. French fry explained that she is also sober and probably staying sober for a while and also trying to quit smoking, after which she proceeded to buy a pack of cigarettes at the bar. I don't think this is how quitting works exactly. French fry then proceeded outside with chili con carne, apparently for a smoke.
Soon after breaded broccoli joined us with some friends and at this point groats was pretty much surrounded. As groats is quite a tall fellow, him surrounded by much shorter girls was quite an amusing spectacle. The girls didn't mind.
Soon after we got to speaking about Virgin drinks, or alcoholic drinks without alcohol. We speculated the existence of virgin vodka, which would probably be just an empty shot glass. I then thought about what would a virgin Sparta be and figured it'd be something along the lines of just a slice of lime next to an empty shot glass, to which groats exclaimed: "Nobody stays a virgin after Sparta because you'll be thoroughly fucked." It does get you very drunk very quickly. Reminds me about an earlier chat with groats about foreigners and drinking. We figured it'd be downright dangerous to offer them Sparta. Might kill a guy.
As french fry was sober and arrived with a car and I was tired, she offered a ride home, which was an excellent idea as it was already about -20 C at that point. Not the best weather for a walk home.
We left at about 00:20 and half way home I got a text from a girl I was supposed to meet at möku. Apparently she had arrived precisely after I had left. That's three weeks in a row now, she manages to arrive right as I'm gone...
So yeah, french fry gave me a ride home, I had a chat with her and got home without freezing my beard off. Thanks, french fry! I had some old pancakes at home and was too tired to even write this post so I'm writing this on Saturday.
All in all, a boring night, most definitely the most boring one this year. Let's just hope next week will be fun because I know the one after will be. Apparently the first of February will be a Friday and since I will not drink until it's the second of February, I won't be drinking until midnight of that particular Friday. That midnight will be something else.
Anyway, I'll first have to survive this weekend and the next.
Friday, January 11, 2013
A Fruity night
Personal note: Energy drink + coke = hangover. I don't know what it was, but waking up from last Friday it felt a bit like my usual Saturday, with a slight hangover and everything. Maybe it was all the sugar I had with them drinks, not sure.
So, Friday again. Still truckin' on, 11 days and 2 hours without a smoke and at least 10 days sober.
Today wasn't too bad at all. I had dinner with my mother at La Dolce Vita, quite possibly the best restaurant in town, and got to Möku at about 20:15. If you're wondering, it was my Christmas gift to my mother which took a while to arrange.
Möku was quite quiet at the time of my arrival, Keiu and Sille were working the bar and I sat at the far end of the bar where I stayed for the remainder of the evening. Nothing new there.
I noticed they had some new stuff for sale and noted a peculiar bottle next to Deus Brut, which I asked to see. It was called Wyld Wood, apparently some sort of cider ordered by mistake or something. We immediately made multiple low-brow remarks pertaining the similarities of the name to erections. Nice.
After a few minutes, pumpkin and garlic walked in. While pumpkin was quite familiar with my wee predicament and voiced his approval, garlic was not aware of such a project. While explaining the crazy idea behind my masochistic tendencies and the fact that I'm using alternative names based on a common subject for each new entry, garlic could not grasp the concept of me not needing an alias for myself. For a moment we even almost decided that this one would be in third person. As I am far too lazy to rewrite two previous paragraphs, it aint gonna happen. An interesting idea, though. Maybe another time.
Pumpkin also stated that I should alert some popular local news agencies about my peculiar project. He figured if elu24 is interested in Anu Saagim, they'd surely be interested in my ramblings about sobriety. Surely, sobriety is such an unusual thing out here. When Sille expressed her concern about Möku becoming the next "big" thing in local media, pumpkin offered to create his own little news agency called möku24.
This subject reminds me of the kark24 idea we had last year. For some reason these things have a way of repeating themselves, I guess.
After that I had a chat with Sille for a while and some dudes showed up to ask about beer. I had a short discussion about different beers Möku has, especially the ever special Deus Brut. This beer is expensive, but well worth the price, because it's a lot like champagne, not just Like champagne, but even made in the same containers and sold in the same bottles as one of the most popular and expensive champagne in the world, Dom Perignon. Truly the taste of money on that one. A brief glimpse at how well one could live with a lot of money. This only reminds me that I didn't have a chance to purchase a lottery ticket, again. No millions for me this time.
After some sitting around I finally had a cup of tea, this time peppermint tea with dark sugar. Somehow neither the tea itself or the sugar are as dark as their combination. The taste is wonderful, though. Not sure how long I can keep this tea thing up this year...
Meanwhile, one of the dudes with the beers had returned after finding a weird CD on the window sill. He wanted them to play that CD not considering the fact that Möku currently uses an iPad to play music. After being declined, he made some weird sexual remarks about 'putting it in' and left. Okay, I guess the night really has started at this point...
After that I got into a discussion with pumpkin about the new years eve. Apparently there was a huge party in Pirogov (the pub, not the park; oh, how I hate that they had to name the pub the same name as the ever-so-popular park around the damn corner). Apparently there was some dancing involved, starting with YMCA and going on for the next three hours. I like to imagine that they didn't play any music after that one song, but they probably did. Anyway, a fun party, apparently. While pumpkin and I were talking, I noticed garlic being a bit under the weather. Apparently he was ill and only came out because he'd been studying for a long time and needed a break. Well, it's settled then. If I'm ill next week, it'll be because of this.
Meanwhile, some Sille's friends showed up and started playing a Monopoly card game. Firstly, Monopoly is not supposed to be a card game, but okay, maybe it's a good game or something. Secondly, I don't like card games or almost any kind of game at the pub and Sille and many others have been wondering why I don't like them. The reason is quite simple. I'm, as many of you surely know, an avid video gamer. Whenever I have spare time, I usually play. However Möku for me is a place of socializing. Sure, one could socialize while playing card games, but only with other players involved in the game and usually only about the game itself. When I go out to socialize, I want to do exactly that. Now, this doesn't mean I disapprove of any sort of gaming in Möku, oh no. I also sometimes partake in these gaming sessions when I feel like it, but this is why I sometimes prefer not to. Now that this is cleared, moving on.
After philosophizing about the nature of card games and why I prefer not to, Sille asked me to come up with something to write on the tip jar. Since for a while now they've had a large tip jar, they've found it best to put a piece of cardboard inside splitting it in half and holding themed contest for gathering tip to either of the sides. After a lot of thinking, we decided to go with the first thing we considered, Man/Woman. I do hope it went well.
Shortly after that, tomato showed up, but I didn't actually have a chance to chat with her, because right after sweet potato also showed up and as I was greeting her, mango also joined us. I was suddenly confused by all the attention I was getting. I never have this problem when I'm drunk.
Anyway, I ended up only talking to mango and sweet potato and while we were at it, tomato gave up and left for better company. I don't blame her.
Mango is a fascinating character. We were speaking in English for a while and when we reached the discussion about the Estonian language, we switched to Estonian instead. Apparently mango has been learning Estonian since September and is much better at it than most foreigners who have lived in Estonia for years. Meanwhile, sweet potato went really quiet.
Mango soon left us, but I told him to come back with his girlfriend. I continued my chat with sweet potato. She told me how a couple of days ago she had a friend drink 3 Spartas in a row and told him that it was some sort of a new drink. For those of you who are not familiar with this fiendish beverage, Sparta is 1/3 tequila, 1/3 absinth and 1/3 Stroh 80. This stuff is so strong I've only had it about two or three times and actually never wanted it again after the first time. Every time I drink that stuff, 10 minutes later I'm horribly drunk, but it goes away in about an hour. This part is quite okay if you don't drink much after that. Anyway, one of those is bad enough, but sweet potato gave her friend three of those in a row, the scary woman...
We also talked about Comedy Estonia and how they're doing. I recently went to one of their shows in Vilde and have been a fan for a long time now. I've seen most of the Möku open mics, mostly because I was already there to begin with, and I've also been to many Vilde shows. I didn't go for a while when it got way too popular and it was impossible to get seats even an hour before the start of the show, simply because this comedy thing is apparently exactly what Estonia was missing.
While we were talking, radish showed up, as he usually does. After greeting us, he grabbed his tobacco package from his pocket, to which sweet potato noted that she thought it was a bag of ham. Apparently the tobacco package was red and in an extra plastic bag and reminded her of ham. Alrighty then.
Soon after zucchini showed up with his friend banana. We had a long chat with them, the peculiar fellows, and banana told some interesting stories about how he and a group of friends heard some rumors about a certain nightclub in Tartu called "Maasikas" and that it was filled with what he referred to as "used home appliances". A very fascinating way to refer to older women who are rumored to mainly frequent this establishment.
Meanwhile, pumpkin told me that he wishes he was more sober. Yeah, if he'd been more sober, he'd probably have had another drink.
Shortly after that banana raised an interesting point I've been hearing lately. For some reason many people think this blog thing should be made into a book. Really? People think that now? I mean hey, it's a great compliment. I wouldn't do it, but the idea is slightly tempting. For some reason I don't see this blog being of any interest to anyone besides the people directly related to the actions and places described. I'd maybe sell like 10 books in total. Maybe I'm just being negative.
Book thing behind us, zucchini and banana began discussing Russian cars. I don't know anything and don't want to know anything about Russian cars, but apparently zucchini insisted on sending me some pictures of Russian cars. I hope he doesn't.
Soon after, banana continued telling more interesting stories. Apparently there was a dude he used to frequent strip clubs with who had a project in some ways similar to mine. Apparently the dude collected life stories. Not just any life stories, but the life stories of strippers and prostitutes. Really fascinating stuff if you think about it.
I got bored for a moment. Radish noticed me and made a weird remark about Balthasar, possibly referring to Balthasar Russow, a chronicler who once blogged about Estonians of old, a lot like I'm writing right now. The situation he was referring to was a comedy sketch about how two drunken peasants meet Russow in a pub.
Still bored, I decided to experiment with non-alcoholic drinks again. This time Sille mixed me a tonic with some lime juice and grenadine. The result was a lot like cranberry juice, quite good.
While trying out the new beverage, mango returned with eggplant, carrot and pineapple. At the same time avocado showed up and suddenly I was surrounded by new people again.
Avocado had a beer with grenadine, a drink called "Angie" and proceeded to interact with her phone. Carrot started discussing something with zucchini and banana and I had a chat with pineapple, who I've had met before but who I didn't know personally. I had a very intelligent chat about theater with pineapple, when suddenly zucchini and banana left. Apparently carrot had driven them off with an uncomfortable subject or something.
At this point Möku was getting really full of people and I was getting progressively more uncomfortable. Avocado left after finishing her Angie and eggplant and mango also left at around the same time.
Some drunk girl was ordering a drink and was apparently demonstrating her flexibility by extending her leg up in the air. Not sure why she found it necessary to do so, but it was exciting to see someone as flexible. Attention whoring or not, I approve of flexibility.
Also, some dude touched me inappropriately. That is all.
I left möku at about 1:00 and decided to see if I have any friends in Zavood. I found that zucchini and banana had escaped to Zavood and also found a few collegues and friends whom I had a short chat with before going on my way. On the way home, before Krooks, I came across another friend who convinced me to go to Krooks for a little while, which I did. When introducing me to the people in Krooks, one young fella recognized me. Apparently he's been reading this blog here since last year and likes it very much. Good on you, young fan. Thank you for making my evening complete. I didn't spend a long time in Krooks as I was already quite tired. I went home.
And then for some reason I had to write this whole post on the same evening. I am really sleepy and it's 4 am. I just enjoy self-inflicted mental torture, don't I...
So, Friday again. Still truckin' on, 11 days and 2 hours without a smoke and at least 10 days sober.
Today wasn't too bad at all. I had dinner with my mother at La Dolce Vita, quite possibly the best restaurant in town, and got to Möku at about 20:15. If you're wondering, it was my Christmas gift to my mother which took a while to arrange.
Möku was quite quiet at the time of my arrival, Keiu and Sille were working the bar and I sat at the far end of the bar where I stayed for the remainder of the evening. Nothing new there.
I noticed they had some new stuff for sale and noted a peculiar bottle next to Deus Brut, which I asked to see. It was called Wyld Wood, apparently some sort of cider ordered by mistake or something. We immediately made multiple low-brow remarks pertaining the similarities of the name to erections. Nice.
After a few minutes, pumpkin and garlic walked in. While pumpkin was quite familiar with my wee predicament and voiced his approval, garlic was not aware of such a project. While explaining the crazy idea behind my masochistic tendencies and the fact that I'm using alternative names based on a common subject for each new entry, garlic could not grasp the concept of me not needing an alias for myself. For a moment we even almost decided that this one would be in third person. As I am far too lazy to rewrite two previous paragraphs, it aint gonna happen. An interesting idea, though. Maybe another time.
Pumpkin also stated that I should alert some popular local news agencies about my peculiar project. He figured if elu24 is interested in Anu Saagim, they'd surely be interested in my ramblings about sobriety. Surely, sobriety is such an unusual thing out here. When Sille expressed her concern about Möku becoming the next "big" thing in local media, pumpkin offered to create his own little news agency called möku24.
This subject reminds me of the kark24 idea we had last year. For some reason these things have a way of repeating themselves, I guess.
After some sitting around I finally had a cup of tea, this time peppermint tea with dark sugar. Somehow neither the tea itself or the sugar are as dark as their combination. The taste is wonderful, though. Not sure how long I can keep this tea thing up this year...
Meanwhile, one of the dudes with the beers had returned after finding a weird CD on the window sill. He wanted them to play that CD not considering the fact that Möku currently uses an iPad to play music. After being declined, he made some weird sexual remarks about 'putting it in' and left. Okay, I guess the night really has started at this point...
After that I got into a discussion with pumpkin about the new years eve. Apparently there was a huge party in Pirogov (the pub, not the park; oh, how I hate that they had to name the pub the same name as the ever-so-popular park around the damn corner). Apparently there was some dancing involved, starting with YMCA and going on for the next three hours. I like to imagine that they didn't play any music after that one song, but they probably did. Anyway, a fun party, apparently. While pumpkin and I were talking, I noticed garlic being a bit under the weather. Apparently he was ill and only came out because he'd been studying for a long time and needed a break. Well, it's settled then. If I'm ill next week, it'll be because of this.
Meanwhile, some Sille's friends showed up and started playing a Monopoly card game. Firstly, Monopoly is not supposed to be a card game, but okay, maybe it's a good game or something. Secondly, I don't like card games or almost any kind of game at the pub and Sille and many others have been wondering why I don't like them. The reason is quite simple. I'm, as many of you surely know, an avid video gamer. Whenever I have spare time, I usually play. However Möku for me is a place of socializing. Sure, one could socialize while playing card games, but only with other players involved in the game and usually only about the game itself. When I go out to socialize, I want to do exactly that. Now, this doesn't mean I disapprove of any sort of gaming in Möku, oh no. I also sometimes partake in these gaming sessions when I feel like it, but this is why I sometimes prefer not to. Now that this is cleared, moving on.
After philosophizing about the nature of card games and why I prefer not to, Sille asked me to come up with something to write on the tip jar. Since for a while now they've had a large tip jar, they've found it best to put a piece of cardboard inside splitting it in half and holding themed contest for gathering tip to either of the sides. After a lot of thinking, we decided to go with the first thing we considered, Man/Woman. I do hope it went well.
Shortly after that, tomato showed up, but I didn't actually have a chance to chat with her, because right after sweet potato also showed up and as I was greeting her, mango also joined us. I was suddenly confused by all the attention I was getting. I never have this problem when I'm drunk.
Anyway, I ended up only talking to mango and sweet potato and while we were at it, tomato gave up and left for better company. I don't blame her.
Mango is a fascinating character. We were speaking in English for a while and when we reached the discussion about the Estonian language, we switched to Estonian instead. Apparently mango has been learning Estonian since September and is much better at it than most foreigners who have lived in Estonia for years. Meanwhile, sweet potato went really quiet.
Mango soon left us, but I told him to come back with his girlfriend. I continued my chat with sweet potato. She told me how a couple of days ago she had a friend drink 3 Spartas in a row and told him that it was some sort of a new drink. For those of you who are not familiar with this fiendish beverage, Sparta is 1/3 tequila, 1/3 absinth and 1/3 Stroh 80. This stuff is so strong I've only had it about two or three times and actually never wanted it again after the first time. Every time I drink that stuff, 10 minutes later I'm horribly drunk, but it goes away in about an hour. This part is quite okay if you don't drink much after that. Anyway, one of those is bad enough, but sweet potato gave her friend three of those in a row, the scary woman...
We also talked about Comedy Estonia and how they're doing. I recently went to one of their shows in Vilde and have been a fan for a long time now. I've seen most of the Möku open mics, mostly because I was already there to begin with, and I've also been to many Vilde shows. I didn't go for a while when it got way too popular and it was impossible to get seats even an hour before the start of the show, simply because this comedy thing is apparently exactly what Estonia was missing.
While we were talking, radish showed up, as he usually does. After greeting us, he grabbed his tobacco package from his pocket, to which sweet potato noted that she thought it was a bag of ham. Apparently the tobacco package was red and in an extra plastic bag and reminded her of ham. Alrighty then.
Soon after zucchini showed up with his friend banana. We had a long chat with them, the peculiar fellows, and banana told some interesting stories about how he and a group of friends heard some rumors about a certain nightclub in Tartu called "Maasikas" and that it was filled with what he referred to as "used home appliances". A very fascinating way to refer to older women who are rumored to mainly frequent this establishment.
Meanwhile, pumpkin told me that he wishes he was more sober. Yeah, if he'd been more sober, he'd probably have had another drink.
Shortly after that banana raised an interesting point I've been hearing lately. For some reason many people think this blog thing should be made into a book. Really? People think that now? I mean hey, it's a great compliment. I wouldn't do it, but the idea is slightly tempting. For some reason I don't see this blog being of any interest to anyone besides the people directly related to the actions and places described. I'd maybe sell like 10 books in total. Maybe I'm just being negative.
Book thing behind us, zucchini and banana began discussing Russian cars. I don't know anything and don't want to know anything about Russian cars, but apparently zucchini insisted on sending me some pictures of Russian cars. I hope he doesn't.
Soon after, banana continued telling more interesting stories. Apparently there was a dude he used to frequent strip clubs with who had a project in some ways similar to mine. Apparently the dude collected life stories. Not just any life stories, but the life stories of strippers and prostitutes. Really fascinating stuff if you think about it.
I got bored for a moment. Radish noticed me and made a weird remark about Balthasar, possibly referring to Balthasar Russow, a chronicler who once blogged about Estonians of old, a lot like I'm writing right now. The situation he was referring to was a comedy sketch about how two drunken peasants meet Russow in a pub.
Still bored, I decided to experiment with non-alcoholic drinks again. This time Sille mixed me a tonic with some lime juice and grenadine. The result was a lot like cranberry juice, quite good.
While trying out the new beverage, mango returned with eggplant, carrot and pineapple. At the same time avocado showed up and suddenly I was surrounded by new people again.
Avocado had a beer with grenadine, a drink called "Angie" and proceeded to interact with her phone. Carrot started discussing something with zucchini and banana and I had a chat with pineapple, who I've had met before but who I didn't know personally. I had a very intelligent chat about theater with pineapple, when suddenly zucchini and banana left. Apparently carrot had driven them off with an uncomfortable subject or something.
At this point Möku was getting really full of people and I was getting progressively more uncomfortable. Avocado left after finishing her Angie and eggplant and mango also left at around the same time.
Some drunk girl was ordering a drink and was apparently demonstrating her flexibility by extending her leg up in the air. Not sure why she found it necessary to do so, but it was exciting to see someone as flexible. Attention whoring or not, I approve of flexibility.
Also, some dude touched me inappropriately. That is all.
I left möku at about 1:00 and decided to see if I have any friends in Zavood. I found that zucchini and banana had escaped to Zavood and also found a few collegues and friends whom I had a short chat with before going on my way. On the way home, before Krooks, I came across another friend who convinced me to go to Krooks for a little while, which I did. When introducing me to the people in Krooks, one young fella recognized me. Apparently he's been reading this blog here since last year and likes it very much. Good on you, young fan. Thank you for making my evening complete. I didn't spend a long time in Krooks as I was already quite tired. I went home.
And then for some reason I had to write this whole post on the same evening. I am really sleepy and it's 4 am. I just enjoy self-inflicted mental torture, don't I...
Friday, January 4, 2013
Battle of the Bands
Now, why the hell did I agree to do this again?
Since I was really lazy in the morning, I missed a bus or two and ended up working quite late. Not Late-late, but a bit later than usual. I got off work at about 19.40 and since I couldn't make up my mind as to where I would like to eat, and since I got a sudden urge to gobble down some trash, I got a few tiny burgers on my way to Möku. I got to Möku at about 8 pm. Due to my late arrival, some people were already expecting me. I knew exactly who were waiting for me once I saw The Runaways outside. He was quite drunk.
Inside I was immediately greeted by Bon Jovi, Poets of the Fall and Queen and had a seat next to Bon Jovi. Susanna and Johhi were working the bar and apparently nobody remembered my peculiar arrangement and Susanna started pouring me a beer when I stopped her. After some explaining, I ordered some tea and the night could finally begin.
Apparently the main thing of the evening for Poets of the Fall and Queen was drawing on each other with markers. Reminded me of childhood and how old I am, even though Queen is older than me. That didn't make me feel better.
I also noticed Johhi and Susanna unpacking some new shot glasses. They were standard 6 cl shot glasses, but seemed a lot larger. After some measuring we agreed that they are indeed only 6 cl. One of them had a strange defect which looked like dirt, but was in fact a tiny hole. Cool stuff, but ultimately completely useless information. Moving on.
I got a bit bored and checked the time. Oh crap, only 20:19. This is going to be a looong night. At some point Bon Jovi exclaimed that she has to go to work in the morning. We talked some more about the new year's eve, but eventually Bon Jovi finished her beer, took Poets of the Fall with her and left. Meanwhile, The Runaways had returned from the outside, really drunk from some obscure alcoholic beverage he apparently had in his pocket. A few minutes later Queen told me he'll pop out for a smoke and a chat with The Runaways, grabbed The Runaways and headed out. Suddenly I was alone. It didn't last long, but in this time I remembered exactly what I hated about this thing when I did it in the beginning of 2012. Oh, woe is me and my big mouth, promising shit that grants me nothing good... I do not want to do this again in 2014.
Meanwhile, we once again appreciate the fine quality of the Pink Candy. Many of you know that Möku offers free candy to whoever has the biggest hands and stickiest fingers, meaning they just have free candy until it's all gone, taken away, gobbled down with a side of a variety of liqueurs. The Pink Candy itself is a Praline type candy from Kalev, specifically "Kalev Desirée Chocolate cake flavoured". Now, the fact that makes it so amazing is that the filling tastes exactly like chocolate cake. While most of these fancy Praline candies taste pretty much the same, this one melts in your mouth and makes you feel like you've just downed a spoonful of nice juicy chocolate cake. Amazing stuff, really. I'm having one right now as I'm writing this.
But I digress.
Queen and The Runaways had returned from their quest for nicotine and social interaction. Apparently they're roommates and neither of them likes cleaning the place. That must be a fun arrangement. Since Queen suddenly got the urge to try Pernod, we decided we'd do it the right way. Johhi poured some into a whiskey glass and after examining the clear liquid we had her drop a single cube of ice in the mix. Now, for you who don't know what Pernod does with water, it reacts in a way that makes the fully clear liquid white and misty. So we sat there, me, Queen and The Runaways, staring at a glass of Pernod slowly turning white, wondering what we're doing wrong in life. Poetic stuff, really.
Some time later The Roots stopped by. Apparently there was a huge birthday going on at Kivi and people from that party kept popping in every once in a while. The Roots, familiar with the repeat project of mine from last year, approved my sobriety and especially me not smoking. I myself am in between being really proud of myself for doing this and really hating myself for the discomfort it is causing me. After all, when it was just not drinking, I could go out for a smoke when I got bored. Now I have nothing.
Some time later, when The Roots got back to his party matters next door, The Runaways went home and I was left with Queen. The thing with Queen is that he gets awfully stubborn, chatty and at one point extremely depressing. The last part wasn't there yet, but he suddenly got the idea to get some stuff tattooed, namely some of the stuff that was written on him, possibly by Poets of the Fall, with a marker, a few hours ago. It's 21.10 and it is clearly too early for drunk antics like this, I thought. Queen spent the next half an hour or so trying to find a friend who would tattoo that stuff on him this very evening. Imagine waking up to that, be it as pretty as ever, it's still a tattoo. Imagine not remembering why the hell does your arm hurt and why is that strange thing written on it, later discovering that the stuff doesn't wash off. This is how good memories are made. For other people.
Meanwhile someone brought Susanna some Chicken Jerky, which I found to be a particularly funny idea, and some other meaty stuff. She shared and I now know what Chicken Jerky tastes like and that they make this stuff in Estonia.
Like last year, I began experimenting with drinks that looked like booze. I started off with the classic - Limonaad - a yellowish caramel drink that could pass as beer or cider to an untrained eye. Especially when served in a beer glass like Susanna did. Good stuff all around. Another good thing a sober person could have is a virgin Cuba Libre, or rum and coke without rum, or pretty much just coke with ice and lime. Coke could also pass as dark beer. The last amazing drink we discovered a while later - Susanna mixed Coke and an energy drink. I don't really like energy drinks but I figured I'd at least try to stay there for a bit longer. Energy drink with coke was actually quite interesting. Very sweet, very sour, but the taste was of a mild energy drink. Not bad at all.
Meanwhile, Queen while telling me about the hardships of his life pointed out that he is apparently colorblind. I found some Ishihara tests online and apparently he is not colorblind, at least not in any standard way.
Some time later Los Sotsioloogikus and Big Country joined us. We had a chat about my project, they both had a strong shot, Los Sotsioloogikus had a Sparta and Big Country had a mix of three rums fittingly named Cap'n Jack Sparrow. They left at 22.44. I was beginning to think that maybe this night isn't a complete waste.
A bit after Los Sotsioloogikus and Big Country left, Creedence Clearwater Revival stepped in for a beer and a bit later Pieno Lazeriai also joined us. We talked music stuff and at this point Queen was pretty much sulking on his own, non-responsive to my attempts to revive his spirit. Me, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Pieno Lazeriai discussed some local music stuff I won't go into detail about and soon Creedence Clearwater Revival went to Gen club where supposedly a really good Retro party was about to begin. Pieno Lazeriai also discovered the wonderful wonders of the Pink Candy and agreed that this candy really is something utterly amazing. She soon left leaving me with Queen again. At this point Queen started to piss me off with his negativeness. I mean, it has to be something extreme to get on my negative nerves with someone's negativeness. Long story short, I was glad when The Roots returned for a while. Soon Queen got a call about some friends at the bus station and he went to meet them. This was at 23.30, he left all of his overalls at Möku and went off. Since it's not very cold outside, I wasn't worried.
Some time passed, Queen returned at about 00.00 wearing someone's coat. He left the coat and went off again, apparently he had made it but lost his friends along the way. I figured he'd just go get some more clothes. He returns some time later with said friends, I wasn't introduced. Queen and his friends spend the rest of their time there speaking to each other. I don't mind, I have other people to chat with.
At some point, the Roots left again, but soon after The Who and Captain Beyond came over and expressed their desire to review my little black book. I had a chat about my wonderful experiment on my own being and they agreed it to be a difficult but necessary quest. Ooh yes, very difficult. They had a look at the book and stayed for a chat, but soon found it necessary to check the birthday party next door. No problem, because soon after Creedence Clearwater Revival returned from Gen. While chatting with Creedence Clearwater Revival I noticed, once again, how bad my bottom felt on the wooden chairs they now have in Möku. Sadly the old comfy chairs got replaced due to old age and poor condition. The new chairs are supposedly made from parts of boats gathered on the coast of the Indian ocean. That doesn't make them more comfortable, but it sure as hell makes them seem interesting.
At about 00.40 Queen finally leaves. I do hope his head won't be too heavy in the morning.
I spent the rest of the evening reminiscing with Creedence Clearwater Revival about the good old times. See, he is like a month older than I am.
I left Möku at 1.27 and got a hug on the way out, from a girl who I barely know. I checked Zavood for friends but only saw a couple of people leaving, so I didn't stay.
On the way home I remembered that I completely and utterly forgot to buy a lottery ticket. That 23 mil could have totally be mine. Oh well, next week, I guess.
Since I was really lazy in the morning, I missed a bus or two and ended up working quite late. Not Late-late, but a bit later than usual. I got off work at about 19.40 and since I couldn't make up my mind as to where I would like to eat, and since I got a sudden urge to gobble down some trash, I got a few tiny burgers on my way to Möku. I got to Möku at about 8 pm. Due to my late arrival, some people were already expecting me. I knew exactly who were waiting for me once I saw The Runaways outside. He was quite drunk.
Inside I was immediately greeted by Bon Jovi, Poets of the Fall and Queen and had a seat next to Bon Jovi. Susanna and Johhi were working the bar and apparently nobody remembered my peculiar arrangement and Susanna started pouring me a beer when I stopped her. After some explaining, I ordered some tea and the night could finally begin.
I also noticed Johhi and Susanna unpacking some new shot glasses. They were standard 6 cl shot glasses, but seemed a lot larger. After some measuring we agreed that they are indeed only 6 cl. One of them had a strange defect which looked like dirt, but was in fact a tiny hole. Cool stuff, but ultimately completely useless information. Moving on.
I got a bit bored and checked the time. Oh crap, only 20:19. This is going to be a looong night. At some point Bon Jovi exclaimed that she has to go to work in the morning. We talked some more about the new year's eve, but eventually Bon Jovi finished her beer, took Poets of the Fall with her and left. Meanwhile, The Runaways had returned from the outside, really drunk from some obscure alcoholic beverage he apparently had in his pocket. A few minutes later Queen told me he'll pop out for a smoke and a chat with The Runaways, grabbed The Runaways and headed out. Suddenly I was alone. It didn't last long, but in this time I remembered exactly what I hated about this thing when I did it in the beginning of 2012. Oh, woe is me and my big mouth, promising shit that grants me nothing good... I do not want to do this again in 2014.
Meanwhile, we once again appreciate the fine quality of the Pink Candy. Many of you know that Möku offers free candy to whoever has the biggest hands and stickiest fingers, meaning they just have free candy until it's all gone, taken away, gobbled down with a side of a variety of liqueurs. The Pink Candy itself is a Praline type candy from Kalev, specifically "Kalev Desirée Chocolate cake flavoured". Now, the fact that makes it so amazing is that the filling tastes exactly like chocolate cake. While most of these fancy Praline candies taste pretty much the same, this one melts in your mouth and makes you feel like you've just downed a spoonful of nice juicy chocolate cake. Amazing stuff, really. I'm having one right now as I'm writing this.
But I digress.
Queen and The Runaways had returned from their quest for nicotine and social interaction. Apparently they're roommates and neither of them likes cleaning the place. That must be a fun arrangement. Since Queen suddenly got the urge to try Pernod, we decided we'd do it the right way. Johhi poured some into a whiskey glass and after examining the clear liquid we had her drop a single cube of ice in the mix. Now, for you who don't know what Pernod does with water, it reacts in a way that makes the fully clear liquid white and misty. So we sat there, me, Queen and The Runaways, staring at a glass of Pernod slowly turning white, wondering what we're doing wrong in life. Poetic stuff, really.
Some time later The Roots stopped by. Apparently there was a huge birthday going on at Kivi and people from that party kept popping in every once in a while. The Roots, familiar with the repeat project of mine from last year, approved my sobriety and especially me not smoking. I myself am in between being really proud of myself for doing this and really hating myself for the discomfort it is causing me. After all, when it was just not drinking, I could go out for a smoke when I got bored. Now I have nothing.
Some time later, when The Roots got back to his party matters next door, The Runaways went home and I was left with Queen. The thing with Queen is that he gets awfully stubborn, chatty and at one point extremely depressing. The last part wasn't there yet, but he suddenly got the idea to get some stuff tattooed, namely some of the stuff that was written on him, possibly by Poets of the Fall, with a marker, a few hours ago. It's 21.10 and it is clearly too early for drunk antics like this, I thought. Queen spent the next half an hour or so trying to find a friend who would tattoo that stuff on him this very evening. Imagine waking up to that, be it as pretty as ever, it's still a tattoo. Imagine not remembering why the hell does your arm hurt and why is that strange thing written on it, later discovering that the stuff doesn't wash off. This is how good memories are made. For other people.
Meanwhile someone brought Susanna some Chicken Jerky, which I found to be a particularly funny idea, and some other meaty stuff. She shared and I now know what Chicken Jerky tastes like and that they make this stuff in Estonia.
Meanwhile, Queen while telling me about the hardships of his life pointed out that he is apparently colorblind. I found some Ishihara tests online and apparently he is not colorblind, at least not in any standard way.
Some time later Los Sotsioloogikus and Big Country joined us. We had a chat about my project, they both had a strong shot, Los Sotsioloogikus had a Sparta and Big Country had a mix of three rums fittingly named Cap'n Jack Sparrow. They left at 22.44. I was beginning to think that maybe this night isn't a complete waste.
A bit after Los Sotsioloogikus and Big Country left, Creedence Clearwater Revival stepped in for a beer and a bit later Pieno Lazeriai also joined us. We talked music stuff and at this point Queen was pretty much sulking on his own, non-responsive to my attempts to revive his spirit. Me, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Pieno Lazeriai discussed some local music stuff I won't go into detail about and soon Creedence Clearwater Revival went to Gen club where supposedly a really good Retro party was about to begin. Pieno Lazeriai also discovered the wonderful wonders of the Pink Candy and agreed that this candy really is something utterly amazing. She soon left leaving me with Queen again. At this point Queen started to piss me off with his negativeness. I mean, it has to be something extreme to get on my negative nerves with someone's negativeness. Long story short, I was glad when The Roots returned for a while. Soon Queen got a call about some friends at the bus station and he went to meet them. This was at 23.30, he left all of his overalls at Möku and went off. Since it's not very cold outside, I wasn't worried.
Some time passed, Queen returned at about 00.00 wearing someone's coat. He left the coat and went off again, apparently he had made it but lost his friends along the way. I figured he'd just go get some more clothes. He returns some time later with said friends, I wasn't introduced. Queen and his friends spend the rest of their time there speaking to each other. I don't mind, I have other people to chat with.
At some point, the Roots left again, but soon after The Who and Captain Beyond came over and expressed their desire to review my little black book. I had a chat about my wonderful experiment on my own being and they agreed it to be a difficult but necessary quest. Ooh yes, very difficult. They had a look at the book and stayed for a chat, but soon found it necessary to check the birthday party next door. No problem, because soon after Creedence Clearwater Revival returned from Gen. While chatting with Creedence Clearwater Revival I noticed, once again, how bad my bottom felt on the wooden chairs they now have in Möku. Sadly the old comfy chairs got replaced due to old age and poor condition. The new chairs are supposedly made from parts of boats gathered on the coast of the Indian ocean. That doesn't make them more comfortable, but it sure as hell makes them seem interesting.
At about 00.40 Queen finally leaves. I do hope his head won't be too heavy in the morning.
I spent the rest of the evening reminiscing with Creedence Clearwater Revival about the good old times. See, he is like a month older than I am.
I left Möku at 1.27 and got a hug on the way out, from a girl who I barely know. I checked Zavood for friends but only saw a couple of people leaving, so I didn't stay.
On the way home I remembered that I completely and utterly forgot to buy a lottery ticket. That 23 mil could have totally be mine. Oh well, next week, I guess.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Oh, it's this again?
Yeah, it is.
It is time to do this again.
Why? Who knows, maybe it's my masochistic nature, maybe I need this to prove that I'm not a hopeless alcoholic yet, maybe I'm just tired and need a change of pace. Either way, it is happening again.
I will not drink for the duration of 2nd of January until the 2nd of February, just like last year.
However, to amp things up a bit and apparently to make this as uncomfortable and frustrating as possible for me, I've also decided to quit smoking, again. As many of you may know, I did that a few years back and was completely tobacco free for a year and a half. If drinking is something I'm going to give up for a month, smoking, I hope, is a longer deal.
This double dare is also a way for me to experiment with quitting and combinations. My hypothesis is that if you quit smoking and drinking at the same time, once you go back to drinking, you'll also suddenly want to smoke.
So. What's been going on in the last year or so? Nothing. Nothing much, that is. Nothing spectacular, amazing, wonderful... Okay, I've had some fun, met some awesome people, made new friends, lost all contact with other friends, found out that I have IBS and that I'm still strongly allergic to bees. Other than that, I've been drinking as usual, in the same place as usual and pretty much at the same frequency as usual. This will now change. Again.
The rules are simple, same as last year.
I will frequent Möku and some other bars same as usual.
I will try to spend the usual amount of time there (probably a bit less due to boredom).
I will meet the usual people, hopefully with some new people I get to meet along the way.
I will document my outings, but only major ones. I will not write a long post about every time I pop in to say 'hi'. This also signifies the return of my dreaded little black book (of unhappiness)
While documenting my twisted adventures through crowds of drunks, I will (mostly) avoid using actual names and will probably ask the participants for a suitable pseudonym to be used in their name's stead, possibly based on a theme made up beforehand for a specific night (refer to previous posts for examples).
And the most important of all,
I will not drink any alcoholic beverages during this time. If someone, one way or another, makes me drink something alcoholic against my will (accidental consumption, forceful consumption, etc), I will not consider it a failure on my part.
Well then, let's get on with it. I expect to be in and around Möku this Friday.
It is time to do this again.
Why? Who knows, maybe it's my masochistic nature, maybe I need this to prove that I'm not a hopeless alcoholic yet, maybe I'm just tired and need a change of pace. Either way, it is happening again.
However, to amp things up a bit and apparently to make this as uncomfortable and frustrating as possible for me, I've also decided to quit smoking, again. As many of you may know, I did that a few years back and was completely tobacco free for a year and a half. If drinking is something I'm going to give up for a month, smoking, I hope, is a longer deal.
This double dare is also a way for me to experiment with quitting and combinations. My hypothesis is that if you quit smoking and drinking at the same time, once you go back to drinking, you'll also suddenly want to smoke.
So. What's been going on in the last year or so? Nothing. Nothing much, that is. Nothing spectacular, amazing, wonderful... Okay, I've had some fun, met some awesome people, made new friends, lost all contact with other friends, found out that I have IBS and that I'm still strongly allergic to bees. Other than that, I've been drinking as usual, in the same place as usual and pretty much at the same frequency as usual. This will now change. Again.
The rules are simple, same as last year.
I will frequent Möku and some other bars same as usual.
I will try to spend the usual amount of time there (probably a bit less due to boredom).
I will meet the usual people, hopefully with some new people I get to meet along the way.
I will document my outings, but only major ones. I will not write a long post about every time I pop in to say 'hi'. This also signifies the return of my dreaded little black book (of unhappiness)
While documenting my twisted adventures through crowds of drunks, I will (mostly) avoid using actual names and will probably ask the participants for a suitable pseudonym to be used in their name's stead, possibly based on a theme made up beforehand for a specific night (refer to previous posts for examples).
And the most important of all,
I will not drink any alcoholic beverages during this time. If someone, one way or another, makes me drink something alcoholic against my will (accidental consumption, forceful consumption, etc), I will not consider it a failure on my part.
Well then, let's get on with it. I expect to be in and around Möku this Friday.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Friday of drinks
Yes! It's finally over. I can drink like a horse again.
So this Friday is about me finally getting my drink on again. Funny, how many people were patiently waiting for it to happen, curiously enough including myself. Not drinking does have it's merits, most of which you don't realize until morning, but in the end it's boring to be sober. That is also the main thing I've realized about sobriety.
As usual, the night started off with dinner and this time I was joined by Bloody Mary, so I figured it should be something a little bit nicer than Ruunipizza, so we went to Nälg. Since it's quite extremely cold outside, Nälg offers free peppermint tea at the entrance, which I think is a very awesome gesture. Bloody Mary took a cup and we headed upstairs. Apparently my order was somewhat complicated, because it took them some 45 minutes to prepare. Tasty, though. Since the waiters at Nälg on that evening were friends of mine, I even got a discount, which made me quite happy. It's good to have friends.
Since the dinner took a while, we didn't get to Möku before half past eight and while still sitting at Nälg waiting for food, I received a call from Roosi, who wanted to know if I was going there soon. Anyway, we finished our dinner and went to Möku. When we arrived, I found Absinth already waiting for me and Roosi, who was working the bar with Maria, proceeded to pour me a beer, my first beer of 2012.
I sat down between Absinth and Bloody Mary, warmed up my hands a little bit, said a short toast to the end of sobriety and took a sip. To be honest, I expected the first sip to be tastier, but it wasn't bad at all, oh no. After the first sip, Maria, Roosi, Bloody Mary and Absinth looked at me, as if expecting me to say something incredibly intelligent or make a joke of some kind. I sighed with relief. After all, that sip signified the end of a month of boredom, insecurities and being dead tired at 1 am. After a month of being the weird guy who drinks tea at a bar and seems to enjoy himselt, after being mocked and encouraged by various people, after drinking a truckload of tea, I finally felt I belonged again, with a beer in my hand and a smile on my face. Good times.
Since the night was cold as the devil's butt-crack, we didn't really expect the bad to be overly filled with people and for most part we weren't wrong, as there were fewer people than usual. So there I sat, between Bloody Mary and Absinth, unable to find a subject that would fit them both, I figured it was best to speak to each in turns. Some time later, a very large group of foreign students dropped in all at once, which left the door open for quite some time, so it suddenly got very cold. The leader of the pack of people of all colors and sizes stepped up to the bar and inquired about a reservation, which was supposed to be made earlier. I honestly have not heard of anyone making a reservation for space in Möku, as it would mean reserving the whole of Möku. Obviously, the leader wasn't a pub person to expect that. Funny they would have the bar hop organized by a person who isn't familiar with said bars. No problem, they found themselves some room at the center for the bar and stayed for some time.
Soon after Jägermeister arrived and sat next to Absinth, we decided to have a new and experimental shot I came up with a couple of days ago with Aadi. Initially, he wanted to call it Lumberjack's Day Off, but I called it the Bloody American instead. It consists of a little bit of grenadine syrup and the rest is Jack Daniels. There are two variants to the shot, one where Jack Daniels stays on top of grenadine and the other where the two are mixed. I had the mixed one and Jägermeister had the other. I must say, grenadine really made Jack Daniels taste better, but there was still a lot of bourbon taste to it. Jägermeister exclaimed, that the shot was interesting, as the grenadine was slowly coming through the strong taste of Jack Daniels. Sweet whiskey. Go figure.
Meanwhile, I got into a discussion about handwriting with Absinth and Bloody Mary, which ended up with each of us writing down a sentence which supposedly has every letter in the English language: Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Apparently it's supposed to be THE quick brown fox, but we didn't bother to check and everyone wrote it wrong. No difference, it was a heap of fun and we also included the bartenders and some other innocent victims. We are a vicious bunch when we get out drink on..
Some interesting things we discovered. Bloody Mary went first. Her handwriting is very narrow and italic, not very easy to read, but I think looks the best of the bunch. Next, Absinth gave it a shot. Her handwriting looks proper, but upon closer examination, some letters are confusing, like the combination of E and R sort of melt together. She herself told us that it's supposedly a sign of Down syndrome. After Absinth, I tried it myself and will not critique my ugly scribbles in fear of sounding too pessimistic. After us, Maria also tried. Her handwriting is the easiest to read. Very stable, round and straight, Absinth found it to be the best looking of them all. After Maria, Roosi tried and apparently had problems with the first word. Since Roosi proceeded to write a total of 6 different samples, I will not analyze all of them, because I'm lazy and I have a hangover.
There were many others who tried their hand. Jägermeister, Red Wine, Krissu and a dude called Rando, who was so drunk that he wrote this:Qicke brawn awer th lazy dag. Quick buwane are fax auu over the jump over the lazy dag. Not sure if this was exactly what he wrote, but that was all I could decipher. Man didn't even seem that drunk, so I don't even know what was up with him.
While we were discussing handwriting, Bloody Mary's friend Red Wine dropped in. Apparently she somehow knows me from all the conversations I've had on the wall of Bloody Mary. As previously mentioned, she too tried the handwriting test. What made Red Wine so very fascinating was her R vocal, which she pronounces with a cool throat sound, which I can't really put in words. It sounded so lovely and awesome, that I was simply giggling with glee. Red Wine's name was a little bit unusual for these parts, as it had a Z in it, but I didn't think much of it until some time later, when Fred mentioned she was Dutch. I found this very weird and unbelievable, as her Estonian was very clear after having lived in Estonia only for three or four years. I guess some people simply have the knack for languages. Fascinating girl, that one.
At one point Absinth pulled out a tube of hand cream and we all tried it and agreed that it was indeed good. Seeing that, Maria also pulled out her tube of hand cream and we ended up passing it around the pub. There were many soft hands on that day.
At this point, I wrote a line in my little black book, which just reads "Fun Fun". This signifies the realization, that it is indeed fun to be drunk. I never actually realized how fun exactly until I did this sober month thing. Very educational indeed. I was feeling excellent. I noticed that I have to pee a lot more, which makes sense. Tea makes you want to pee, but clearly not as much as beer. I don't even know how many beers I had in the end. I don't think it was too many though, because I wasn't too drunk, just slightly tipsy and at my best behavior and mood.
Jeka was there, too. Away from the army for the weekend, apparently. I'm not sure at which point in the story he arrived, but I know he was there, because I specifically wrote down not to forget it. Not that I would have, but still, something made me write it down very specifically.
Anyway, at some point I went to the toilet and when I came back, there were a bunch of blue shots on the bar, apparently bought by Jeka. Thanks, Jeka, good shots. We drank most of them, but for some reason there was one left which nobody wanted. I balanced three shot glasses on top of each other, when a random girl appeared next to me and asked what's in that shot. Instead of trying to explain, I gave her the last remaining shot, which she proceeded to drink and after that tried to put it on top of my three perfectly balanced shot glasses, after which the tower toppled and some of the glasses broke. The girl said sorry and abruptly disappeared from sight.
Some time later, a bit before 1 am, I noticed that it was really late and I wasn't sleepy at all. See, when I was sober, I always got really tired at around 1 am and went home. Apparently booze does keep you going.
Since Bloody Mary had to be sober enough to drive in the morning, I pushed her into a cab and when back inside, I discovered, that Absinth had left a while back, Jeka and Krissu went to a club and I was pretty much alone and bored, so I decided it was time to move. Before leaving, I met Porter, who I hadn't had a decent chat in a long time, so I stayed for another few minutes. Since I was invited to attend a birthday party in Nott, I figured I'd step by and see what's up. I didn't spent a lot of time there, as the place was really loud and crowded and the few familiar faces I did know didn't have much time to entertain me. I did see Gin Tonic and had a chat with him. Apparently, he too reads this blog. My-my, I don't think I quite realize the amount of fans I've got reading this thing. I gathered a little bit of warmth and pushed on in the other direction, Zavood, passing by Möku again.
Zavood was quite full of people and at first I didn't see any familiar faces, but while standing near the Foosball table, a girl I'd never seen before exclaimed, that I was 'that blog guy'. A fan, I thought. Awesome. I sat down next to her in a group of people I didn't know, except for one guy. The fan, Dark Rum, told me that she has been reading my stuff for a couple of months. I found that very weird, as I'd just begun writing the damn thing about a month ago. Dark Rum didn't want to believe me for some reason. I stayed with the group for a little while and had a beer. While sitting there, I once again realized how good it is to have a beard in this weather. It's between -20 and -30 Celsius and I don't have to worry about hiding my chin from the cold. The beard keeps it really warm and nice. My mustache keeps freezing though.
At some point I got bored with the people there and felt a little bit unwelcome, because I obviously did pretty much sit there uninvited like I owned the place. Bailey's and Jim Beam entertained me for a while, but at about 3.45am I decided it was time to go, so I finished my beer, took my stuff, said my goodbyes to Dark Rum and went on my merry way, to Krooks. There I found Screwdriver, who was with Tequila and they asked me to join them. We sat there, had a beer and the effects of Tequila on men and women until the bar was closed. Tequila and Screwdriver did ask me to join them in the next pub, which was probably Zavood, but I figured since I'm on the way home already, it wouldn't be wise to stray back to a previous point, not in this weather.
I walked home at a fast pace and what do you know, I survived without freezing off a single limb.
In conclusion, I'm very glad to be drinking again. I met a bunch of new people, had heaps of fun and didn't even have a very strong hangover in the morning. All went well and I'll continue drinking happily.
About this blog, however, I am unsure. Since the blog was about sobriety and I'm sober no more, I don't know what to do. On one hand, I could continue writing the blog about me drinking, shamelessly hitting on women and getting piss-drunk and then describing the magnitude of my hangover on a Y U No Drink (YUND) scale, but this sort of thing has already been done so many times over and over and over again and I am in disbelief that mine would be worth writing.
On the other hand, I have different fingers. No, wait.. On the other hand, I could put the project on a hibernation until I think of some use for this thing. Maybe some other fascinating challenge to take on. Quitting smoking and drinking at the same time, trying to become an alcoholic for a little while or maybe some other weird thing I can't think of right now. I'm open for suggestions.
Then again, I could just leave it at that. I could finish with this post and never write in this particular blog again. I could instead do something useful with my time. I could become the President of the United States. Fine, I can't do that. I was thinking about starting a book to see where it leads. Maybe get rich and famous.
Well, I guess it's really up to you, dear readers. I'm open for all kinds of suggestions and ideas. My little black book is still at F with the rest of the alphabet to go.
Until then,
So this Friday is about me finally getting my drink on again. Funny, how many people were patiently waiting for it to happen, curiously enough including myself. Not drinking does have it's merits, most of which you don't realize until morning, but in the end it's boring to be sober. That is also the main thing I've realized about sobriety.
As usual, the night started off with dinner and this time I was joined by Bloody Mary, so I figured it should be something a little bit nicer than Ruunipizza, so we went to Nälg. Since it's quite extremely cold outside, Nälg offers free peppermint tea at the entrance, which I think is a very awesome gesture. Bloody Mary took a cup and we headed upstairs. Apparently my order was somewhat complicated, because it took them some 45 minutes to prepare. Tasty, though. Since the waiters at Nälg on that evening were friends of mine, I even got a discount, which made me quite happy. It's good to have friends.
I sat down between Absinth and Bloody Mary, warmed up my hands a little bit, said a short toast to the end of sobriety and took a sip. To be honest, I expected the first sip to be tastier, but it wasn't bad at all, oh no. After the first sip, Maria, Roosi, Bloody Mary and Absinth looked at me, as if expecting me to say something incredibly intelligent or make a joke of some kind. I sighed with relief. After all, that sip signified the end of a month of boredom, insecurities and being dead tired at 1 am. After a month of being the weird guy who drinks tea at a bar and seems to enjoy himselt, after being mocked and encouraged by various people, after drinking a truckload of tea, I finally felt I belonged again, with a beer in my hand and a smile on my face. Good times.
Since the night was cold as the devil's butt-crack, we didn't really expect the bad to be overly filled with people and for most part we weren't wrong, as there were fewer people than usual. So there I sat, between Bloody Mary and Absinth, unable to find a subject that would fit them both, I figured it was best to speak to each in turns. Some time later, a very large group of foreign students dropped in all at once, which left the door open for quite some time, so it suddenly got very cold. The leader of the pack of people of all colors and sizes stepped up to the bar and inquired about a reservation, which was supposed to be made earlier. I honestly have not heard of anyone making a reservation for space in Möku, as it would mean reserving the whole of Möku. Obviously, the leader wasn't a pub person to expect that. Funny they would have the bar hop organized by a person who isn't familiar with said bars. No problem, they found themselves some room at the center for the bar and stayed for some time.
Soon after Jägermeister arrived and sat next to Absinth, we decided to have a new and experimental shot I came up with a couple of days ago with Aadi. Initially, he wanted to call it Lumberjack's Day Off, but I called it the Bloody American instead. It consists of a little bit of grenadine syrup and the rest is Jack Daniels. There are two variants to the shot, one where Jack Daniels stays on top of grenadine and the other where the two are mixed. I had the mixed one and Jägermeister had the other. I must say, grenadine really made Jack Daniels taste better, but there was still a lot of bourbon taste to it. Jägermeister exclaimed, that the shot was interesting, as the grenadine was slowly coming through the strong taste of Jack Daniels. Sweet whiskey. Go figure.
Meanwhile, I got into a discussion about handwriting with Absinth and Bloody Mary, which ended up with each of us writing down a sentence which supposedly has every letter in the English language: Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Apparently it's supposed to be THE quick brown fox, but we didn't bother to check and everyone wrote it wrong. No difference, it was a heap of fun and we also included the bartenders and some other innocent victims. We are a vicious bunch when we get out drink on..
Some interesting things we discovered. Bloody Mary went first. Her handwriting is very narrow and italic, not very easy to read, but I think looks the best of the bunch. Next, Absinth gave it a shot. Her handwriting looks proper, but upon closer examination, some letters are confusing, like the combination of E and R sort of melt together. She herself told us that it's supposedly a sign of Down syndrome. After Absinth, I tried it myself and will not critique my ugly scribbles in fear of sounding too pessimistic. After us, Maria also tried. Her handwriting is the easiest to read. Very stable, round and straight, Absinth found it to be the best looking of them all. After Maria, Roosi tried and apparently had problems with the first word. Since Roosi proceeded to write a total of 6 different samples, I will not analyze all of them, because I'm lazy and I have a hangover.
There were many others who tried their hand. Jägermeister, Red Wine, Krissu and a dude called Rando, who was so drunk that he wrote this:
While we were discussing handwriting, Bloody Mary's friend Red Wine dropped in. Apparently she somehow knows me from all the conversations I've had on the wall of Bloody Mary. As previously mentioned, she too tried the handwriting test. What made Red Wine so very fascinating was her R vocal, which she pronounces with a cool throat sound, which I can't really put in words. It sounded so lovely and awesome, that I was simply giggling with glee. Red Wine's name was a little bit unusual for these parts, as it had a Z in it, but I didn't think much of it until some time later, when Fred mentioned she was Dutch. I found this very weird and unbelievable, as her Estonian was very clear after having lived in Estonia only for three or four years. I guess some people simply have the knack for languages. Fascinating girl, that one.
At this point, I wrote a line in my little black book, which just reads "Fun Fun". This signifies the realization, that it is indeed fun to be drunk. I never actually realized how fun exactly until I did this sober month thing. Very educational indeed. I was feeling excellent. I noticed that I have to pee a lot more, which makes sense. Tea makes you want to pee, but clearly not as much as beer. I don't even know how many beers I had in the end. I don't think it was too many though, because I wasn't too drunk, just slightly tipsy and at my best behavior and mood.
Jeka was there, too. Away from the army for the weekend, apparently. I'm not sure at which point in the story he arrived, but I know he was there, because I specifically wrote down not to forget it. Not that I would have, but still, something made me write it down very specifically.
Anyway, at some point I went to the toilet and when I came back, there were a bunch of blue shots on the bar, apparently bought by Jeka. Thanks, Jeka, good shots. We drank most of them, but for some reason there was one left which nobody wanted. I balanced three shot glasses on top of each other, when a random girl appeared next to me and asked what's in that shot. Instead of trying to explain, I gave her the last remaining shot, which she proceeded to drink and after that tried to put it on top of my three perfectly balanced shot glasses, after which the tower toppled and some of the glasses broke. The girl said sorry and abruptly disappeared from sight.
Some time later, a bit before 1 am, I noticed that it was really late and I wasn't sleepy at all. See, when I was sober, I always got really tired at around 1 am and went home. Apparently booze does keep you going.
Since Bloody Mary had to be sober enough to drive in the morning, I pushed her into a cab and when back inside, I discovered, that Absinth had left a while back, Jeka and Krissu went to a club and I was pretty much alone and bored, so I decided it was time to move. Before leaving, I met Porter, who I hadn't had a decent chat in a long time, so I stayed for another few minutes. Since I was invited to attend a birthday party in Nott, I figured I'd step by and see what's up. I didn't spent a lot of time there, as the place was really loud and crowded and the few familiar faces I did know didn't have much time to entertain me. I did see Gin Tonic and had a chat with him. Apparently, he too reads this blog. My-my, I don't think I quite realize the amount of fans I've got reading this thing. I gathered a little bit of warmth and pushed on in the other direction, Zavood, passing by Möku again.
Zavood was quite full of people and at first I didn't see any familiar faces, but while standing near the Foosball table, a girl I'd never seen before exclaimed, that I was 'that blog guy'. A fan, I thought. Awesome. I sat down next to her in a group of people I didn't know, except for one guy. The fan, Dark Rum, told me that she has been reading my stuff for a couple of months. I found that very weird, as I'd just begun writing the damn thing about a month ago. Dark Rum didn't want to believe me for some reason. I stayed with the group for a little while and had a beer. While sitting there, I once again realized how good it is to have a beard in this weather. It's between -20 and -30 Celsius and I don't have to worry about hiding my chin from the cold. The beard keeps it really warm and nice. My mustache keeps freezing though.
At some point I got bored with the people there and felt a little bit unwelcome, because I obviously did pretty much sit there uninvited like I owned the place. Bailey's and Jim Beam entertained me for a while, but at about 3.45am I decided it was time to go, so I finished my beer, took my stuff, said my goodbyes to Dark Rum and went on my merry way, to Krooks. There I found Screwdriver, who was with Tequila and they asked me to join them. We sat there, had a beer and the effects of Tequila on men and women until the bar was closed. Tequila and Screwdriver did ask me to join them in the next pub, which was probably Zavood, but I figured since I'm on the way home already, it wouldn't be wise to stray back to a previous point, not in this weather.
I walked home at a fast pace and what do you know, I survived without freezing off a single limb.
In conclusion, I'm very glad to be drinking again. I met a bunch of new people, had heaps of fun and didn't even have a very strong hangover in the morning. All went well and I'll continue drinking happily.
About this blog, however, I am unsure. Since the blog was about sobriety and I'm sober no more, I don't know what to do. On one hand, I could continue writing the blog about me drinking, shamelessly hitting on women and getting piss-drunk and then describing the magnitude of my hangover on a Y U No Drink (YUND) scale, but this sort of thing has already been done so many times over and over and over again and I am in disbelief that mine would be worth writing.
On the other hand, I have different fingers. No, wait.. On the other hand, I could put the project on a hibernation until I think of some use for this thing. Maybe some other fascinating challenge to take on. Quitting smoking and drinking at the same time, trying to become an alcoholic for a little while or maybe some other weird thing I can't think of right now. I'm open for suggestions.
Then again, I could just leave it at that. I could finish with this post and never write in this particular blog again. I could instead do something useful with my time. I could become the President of the United States. Fine, I can't do that. I was thinking about starting a book to see where it leads. Maybe get rich and famous.
Well, I guess it's really up to you, dear readers. I'm open for all kinds of suggestions and ideas. My little black book is still at F with the rest of the alphabet to go.
Until then,
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