So, Friday again. Still truckin' on, 11 days and 2 hours without a smoke and at least 10 days sober.
Today wasn't too bad at all. I had dinner with my mother at La Dolce Vita, quite possibly the best restaurant in town, and got to Möku at about 20:15. If you're wondering, it was my Christmas gift to my mother which took a while to arrange.
Möku was quite quiet at the time of my arrival, Keiu and Sille were working the bar and I sat at the far end of the bar where I stayed for the remainder of the evening. Nothing new there.
I noticed they had some new stuff for sale and noted a peculiar bottle next to Deus Brut, which I asked to see. It was called Wyld Wood, apparently some sort of cider ordered by mistake or something. We immediately made multiple low-brow remarks pertaining the similarities of the name to erections. Nice.
After a few minutes, pumpkin and garlic walked in. While pumpkin was quite familiar with my wee predicament and voiced his approval, garlic was not aware of such a project. While explaining the crazy idea behind my masochistic tendencies and the fact that I'm using alternative names based on a common subject for each new entry, garlic could not grasp the concept of me not needing an alias for myself. For a moment we even almost decided that this one would be in third person. As I am far too lazy to rewrite two previous paragraphs, it aint gonna happen. An interesting idea, though. Maybe another time.
Pumpkin also stated that I should alert some popular local news agencies about my peculiar project. He figured if elu24 is interested in Anu Saagim, they'd surely be interested in my ramblings about sobriety. Surely, sobriety is such an unusual thing out here. When Sille expressed her concern about Möku becoming the next "big" thing in local media, pumpkin offered to create his own little news agency called möku24.
This subject reminds me of the kark24 idea we had last year. For some reason these things have a way of repeating themselves, I guess.
After some sitting around I finally had a cup of tea, this time peppermint tea with dark sugar. Somehow neither the tea itself or the sugar are as dark as their combination. The taste is wonderful, though. Not sure how long I can keep this tea thing up this year...
Meanwhile, one of the dudes with the beers had returned after finding a weird CD on the window sill. He wanted them to play that CD not considering the fact that Möku currently uses an iPad to play music. After being declined, he made some weird sexual remarks about 'putting it in' and left. Okay, I guess the night really has started at this point...
After that I got into a discussion with pumpkin about the new years eve. Apparently there was a huge party in Pirogov (the pub, not the park; oh, how I hate that they had to name the pub the same name as the ever-so-popular park around the damn corner). Apparently there was some dancing involved, starting with YMCA and going on for the next three hours. I like to imagine that they didn't play any music after that one song, but they probably did. Anyway, a fun party, apparently. While pumpkin and I were talking, I noticed garlic being a bit under the weather. Apparently he was ill and only came out because he'd been studying for a long time and needed a break. Well, it's settled then. If I'm ill next week, it'll be because of this.
Meanwhile, some Sille's friends showed up and started playing a Monopoly card game. Firstly, Monopoly is not supposed to be a card game, but okay, maybe it's a good game or something. Secondly, I don't like card games or almost any kind of game at the pub and Sille and many others have been wondering why I don't like them. The reason is quite simple. I'm, as many of you surely know, an avid video gamer. Whenever I have spare time, I usually play. However Möku for me is a place of socializing. Sure, one could socialize while playing card games, but only with other players involved in the game and usually only about the game itself. When I go out to socialize, I want to do exactly that. Now, this doesn't mean I disapprove of any sort of gaming in Möku, oh no. I also sometimes partake in these gaming sessions when I feel like it, but this is why I sometimes prefer not to. Now that this is cleared, moving on.
After philosophizing about the nature of card games and why I prefer not to, Sille asked me to come up with something to write on the tip jar. Since for a while now they've had a large tip jar, they've found it best to put a piece of cardboard inside splitting it in half and holding themed contest for gathering tip to either of the sides. After a lot of thinking, we decided to go with the first thing we considered, Man/Woman. I do hope it went well.
Shortly after that, tomato showed up, but I didn't actually have a chance to chat with her, because right after sweet potato also showed up and as I was greeting her, mango also joined us. I was suddenly confused by all the attention I was getting. I never have this problem when I'm drunk.
Anyway, I ended up only talking to mango and sweet potato and while we were at it, tomato gave up and left for better company. I don't blame her.
Mango is a fascinating character. We were speaking in English for a while and when we reached the discussion about the Estonian language, we switched to Estonian instead. Apparently mango has been learning Estonian since September and is much better at it than most foreigners who have lived in Estonia for years. Meanwhile, sweet potato went really quiet.
Mango soon left us, but I told him to come back with his girlfriend. I continued my chat with sweet potato. She told me how a couple of days ago she had a friend drink 3 Spartas in a row and told him that it was some sort of a new drink. For those of you who are not familiar with this fiendish beverage, Sparta is 1/3 tequila, 1/3 absinth and 1/3 Stroh 80. This stuff is so strong I've only had it about two or three times and actually never wanted it again after the first time. Every time I drink that stuff, 10 minutes later I'm horribly drunk, but it goes away in about an hour. This part is quite okay if you don't drink much after that. Anyway, one of those is bad enough, but sweet potato gave her friend three of those in a row, the scary woman...
We also talked about Comedy Estonia and how they're doing. I recently went to one of their shows in Vilde and have been a fan for a long time now. I've seen most of the Möku open mics, mostly because I was already there to begin with, and I've also been to many Vilde shows. I didn't go for a while when it got way too popular and it was impossible to get seats even an hour before the start of the show, simply because this comedy thing is apparently exactly what Estonia was missing.
While we were talking, radish showed up, as he usually does. After greeting us, he grabbed his tobacco package from his pocket, to which sweet potato noted that she thought it was a bag of ham. Apparently the tobacco package was red and in an extra plastic bag and reminded her of ham. Alrighty then.
Soon after zucchini showed up with his friend banana. We had a long chat with them, the peculiar fellows, and banana told some interesting stories about how he and a group of friends heard some rumors about a certain nightclub in Tartu called "Maasikas" and that it was filled with what he referred to as "used home appliances". A very fascinating way to refer to older women who are rumored to mainly frequent this establishment.
Meanwhile, pumpkin told me that he wishes he was more sober. Yeah, if he'd been more sober, he'd probably have had another drink.
Shortly after that banana raised an interesting point I've been hearing lately. For some reason many people think this blog thing should be made into a book. Really? People think that now? I mean hey, it's a great compliment. I wouldn't do it, but the idea is slightly tempting. For some reason I don't see this blog being of any interest to anyone besides the people directly related to the actions and places described. I'd maybe sell like 10 books in total. Maybe I'm just being negative.
Book thing behind us, zucchini and banana began discussing Russian cars. I don't know anything and don't want to know anything about Russian cars, but apparently zucchini insisted on sending me some pictures of Russian cars. I hope he doesn't.
Soon after, banana continued telling more interesting stories. Apparently there was a dude he used to frequent strip clubs with who had a project in some ways similar to mine. Apparently the dude collected life stories. Not just any life stories, but the life stories of strippers and prostitutes. Really fascinating stuff if you think about it.
I got bored for a moment. Radish noticed me and made a weird remark about Balthasar, possibly referring to Balthasar Russow, a chronicler who once blogged about Estonians of old, a lot like I'm writing right now. The situation he was referring to was a comedy sketch about how two drunken peasants meet Russow in a pub.
Still bored, I decided to experiment with non-alcoholic drinks again. This time Sille mixed me a tonic with some lime juice and grenadine. The result was a lot like cranberry juice, quite good.
While trying out the new beverage, mango returned with eggplant, carrot and pineapple. At the same time avocado showed up and suddenly I was surrounded by new people again.
Avocado had a beer with grenadine, a drink called "Angie" and proceeded to interact with her phone. Carrot started discussing something with zucchini and banana and I had a chat with pineapple, who I've had met before but who I didn't know personally. I had a very intelligent chat about theater with pineapple, when suddenly zucchini and banana left. Apparently carrot had driven them off with an uncomfortable subject or something.
At this point Möku was getting really full of people and I was getting progressively more uncomfortable. Avocado left after finishing her Angie and eggplant and mango also left at around the same time.
Some drunk girl was ordering a drink and was apparently demonstrating her flexibility by extending her leg up in the air. Not sure why she found it necessary to do so, but it was exciting to see someone as flexible. Attention whoring or not, I approve of flexibility.
Also, some dude touched me inappropriately. That is all.
I left möku at about 1:00 and decided to see if I have any friends in Zavood. I found that zucchini and banana had escaped to Zavood and also found a few collegues and friends whom I had a short chat with before going on my way. On the way home, before Krooks, I came across another friend who convinced me to go to Krooks for a little while, which I did. When introducing me to the people in Krooks, one young fella recognized me. Apparently he's been reading this blog here since last year and likes it very much. Good on you, young fan. Thank you for making my evening complete. I didn't spend a long time in Krooks as I was already quite tired. I went home.
And then for some reason I had to write this whole post on the same evening. I am really sleepy and it's 4 am. I just enjoy self-inflicted mental torture, don't I...
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