It is time to do this again.
Why? Who knows, maybe it's my masochistic nature, maybe I need this to prove that I'm not a hopeless alcoholic yet, maybe I'm just tired and need a change of pace. Either way, it is happening again.
However, to amp things up a bit and apparently to make this as uncomfortable and frustrating as possible for me, I've also decided to quit smoking, again. As many of you may know, I did that a few years back and was completely tobacco free for a year and a half. If drinking is something I'm going to give up for a month, smoking, I hope, is a longer deal.
This double dare is also a way for me to experiment with quitting and combinations. My hypothesis is that if you quit smoking and drinking at the same time, once you go back to drinking, you'll also suddenly want to smoke.
So. What's been going on in the last year or so? Nothing. Nothing much, that is. Nothing spectacular, amazing, wonderful... Okay, I've had some fun, met some awesome people, made new friends, lost all contact with other friends, found out that I have IBS and that I'm still strongly allergic to bees. Other than that, I've been drinking as usual, in the same place as usual and pretty much at the same frequency as usual. This will now change. Again.
The rules are simple, same as last year.
I will frequent Möku and some other bars same as usual.
I will try to spend the usual amount of time there (probably a bit less due to boredom).
I will meet the usual people, hopefully with some new people I get to meet along the way.
I will document my outings, but only major ones. I will not write a long post about every time I pop in to say 'hi'. This also signifies the return of my dreaded little black book (of unhappiness)
While documenting my twisted adventures through crowds of drunks, I will (mostly) avoid using actual names and will probably ask the participants for a suitable pseudonym to be used in their name's stead, possibly based on a theme made up beforehand for a specific night (refer to previous posts for examples).
And the most important of all,
I will not drink any alcoholic beverages during this time. If someone, one way or another, makes me drink something alcoholic against my will (accidental consumption, forceful consumption, etc), I will not consider it a failure on my part.
Well then, let's get on with it. I expect to be in and around Möku this Friday.
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