So Friday. I finished work a little bit earlier and went to Ruunipizza for a cheese & ham pancake at about 7pm. Nothing too unusual there, so moving on. I went to Möku right after, found a cozy seat in the corner and begun observing the nature around me. It really is a jungle out there, Monk was right. There were a bunch of French people in the bar and today we had Kris and Rauno working the bar. Soon after my arrival, Crow, who I had a previous arrangement set up, arrived. She ordered a drink and we went on discussing stuff in general.
At one point, we got to talking about some music and we ended up watching a bunch of really cool guitar videos. After that, Crow apparently got bored, so she found some friends and sat at their table. As I was at the bar, and I really enjoy being at the bar, I stayed there, alone.
For a while, nothing happened. Kris played some music from Lion King and I realized that I've never seen Lion King 2. Should probably watch it. As I was bored and didn't think the night would go anywhere, I wrote "OH SHIT" in my little notebook, thinking that I would simply make something interesting up to spruce up this otherwise uninteresting post. So here goes.
I was just sitting there minding my own business, when suddenly Lars Ulrich from Metallica jumped in and declared, that the SOPA act was a great idea and we are all stupid for thinking that the internet is supposed to be free. I went on to argue with Lars about SOPA, general legislation and, for some reason, the correlation between the size of his shoe and the weather we've been having recently. Some people were visibly upset by Lars's views on SOPA and he was asked to leave.
Right, back to reality. I've written down, that I should ask something about Crow's hair, but as my notes aren't always very specific, I honestly don't remember what we talked about and I'm not sure Crow remembers either. Moving on.
Soon after we were joined by Lynx, who was sad for some reason, but didn't wish to elaborate on the subject, so we left her be. Crow was pretty much between two groups at this point and also getting rather tipsy. I didn't mind, as I know Crow and she doesn't get obnoxious when she's drunk. I talked to Lynx for a while, but as I couldn't think of anything to discuss, she must have gotten bored, so she finished her drink and left. While outside, I noticed again the high concentration of Frenchmen. For some reason this was the Friday they all got together. Actually, they do that a lot, but I'm usually not sober, so I don't notice them all that much. The fact is, there was a lot of chatter in French, so quite interesting and international. At least I think it was interesting, as I don't know a word in French myself.
At one point, Crow found that if you cover up a part of the logo on my notebook, it would appear as the trumpet player on the logo is actually drinking from a bottle. We figured this would be a fitting alteration to the notebook, we should paint the part black using a marker, but apparently someone had stolen Möku's marker. Bunch of savages in this town..
Soon after I got bored again and figured I'd just join Crow and her friends. It was a little bit hard to give up my warm spot at the bar for a seat practically in the middle of the room, but social interaction with people I actually know would be a better idea than sitting at the bar, staring at the screen and hoping for some social handout by a random appearance of a friend or even a stranger.
So I joined the group. There were Crow, Fox, Human and a few others. Human was particularly active and possibly very drunk, as I've never seem him in this state. He didn't seem too drunk, but his actions convinced me otherwise. At some point Crow and Human made a bet about who would drink something the fastest. As they couldn't agree on a drink and Crow was already quite drunk, they instead decided to have a shot and see who gets the worst reaction. After a lengthy debate, they settled on the Portal shots, which consists of two consecutive shots to be had one after the other, one blue and the other orange. While they went off to order the shots, I stayed with Fox. Now, some of you may know that there is a popular beer by the name of Porter. Actually I'm pretty sure that's a type of beer. Anyway, Fox speculated on a situation, where if he would run out of porter, could he order the next one by simply shouting Reporter. An interesting play on words, good Fox. Very interesting indeed. I found this amusing.
Soon after Crow and Human returned with their custom shots. After drinking them, neither had any notable reaction, so we called it a tie and they both agreed that the shots were delicious, which is strange, as the last time I had Portal shots, they weren't tasty at all. Must have been the drinks they had beforehand. A correct amount of booze can make many things taste a lot better, especially more booze.
Some time later, we were joined by Dog, who ordered a drink and sat down. Soon after, Fox expressed the urgent need for nutrients and declared that they would go and find something to eat. When Fox and Human left, our group had suddenly dried up. Now there were only me, Crow and Dog. We had some general conversation about general things and at one point Crow decided to follow Fox and Human to wherever they had gone to. As Crow left, I now had only Dog to keep me company. Soon after, Dog's colleague and friend Lizard, who had just gotten off work, joined us. As you would imagine, in a situation, where there are two colleagues and a random sober guy, Lizard and Dog began talking and the conversation soon led to heated arguments about work. As I know nothing of that, I just sat there, idly observing them and everybody else.
There I found my old friend Sloth, who was quite drunk and accompanied by his girlfriend Fish. I spent a bit of time in their company, discussing that I should get together with Sloth some day to have a drink, to which I added that it wouldn't happen before February. We've had many talks about this with Sloth before and it hasn't really happened. I guess I should make an appointment or something. At one point there was a discussion about how Fish's real name is written and in the process my notebook was used for examples. This didn't make me happy. I stayed in Zavood for a bit more, but as I didn't find anything to do there, I figured it was about time to call it a night. Going past Krooks I didn't really want to go inside, so I skipped that one.
On my way home, a little bit before Krooks, I saw a group of drunk youngsters, of which some were probably too young to drink I'm sure. First, I received a friendly hug from two girls who I didn't know. That was nice and positive of them. I hope they gave a lot of hugs that evening and made many people a little bit happier, as I sure was. There were also some boys in the group, who apparently found someone's trash bin and threw it around in the middle of the street with the contents spewing about. A fitting end to a night filled with all sorts of animals, luckily mostly good and fun animals.
Bunch of animals in this town...
P.S. The 'savages' (or 'animals' in this case) quote is from the movie Clerks. An excellent movie.
P.P.S. All in all, the night wasn't as bad, as it would seem from the negativity plaguing this sad post. It is entirely possible that I was in a bit of a bad mood, but the fact is that it would have been way more fun if I wasn't sober. Gosh, just one weekend to go. Still not sure if I want to get drunk, but being outside while sober is just sad. At this point I completely understand sober people who don't like going out. Also, I've ended every sober pub night at about 1 am, which never happened when I was drinking. Maybe sobriety does make me a normal person, who knows.
P.P.P.S. If the SOPA act would have survived the anger of the internet, which we now know it didn't, this post would probably be illegal due to references to Clerks. I could have faced up to 5 years in prison for this. Thank you, internet.
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