So this Friday started out like most Fridays. I got off work at 7pm and went to Ruunipizza for a bite to eat. Their pancake with ham and cheese is simply wonderful. After my light supper, I headed to Möku.
This time Roosi and Aadi were serving drinks. I ordered a mint tea and took a seat. Next to me I found a pal of mine, who shall henceforth be known as Green Lantern. His choice, not mine. I've been seeing a lot of Green Lantern in the past month or so. He told me a very graphic story how he was there yesterday with his ex-girlfriend, who apparently emptied herself right there on the floor. Not very encouraging. I was, once again, happy to be sober. The evening went on and Green Lantern was discussing Magic the Gathering with Aadi. Apparently some of those collectible cards, which have no signs of any copy protection, can go up to 2,500€ a piece, if very rare. Sounds like an evil plan to me.
Being Friday the 13th, a lot of weird stuff happened to people over the course of the day. My good friend sprained his ankle quite badly, so that was pretty much the topic of the day. I had the same thing happen to me almost three years ago, so I know what the poor bastard has to go through. I even tried contacting a few people about crutches for the poor fellow, but alas, no avail. You see, if you're in Tartu and you break a leg on a Friday, you have to go the whole weekend without crutches, as the place that sells and rents the stuff is only open on work days and not too late, not to mention that it's at the far end of the city.
This gave us an idea, a future business venture, if you will. I'm not going to go ahead with it, so I don't mind sharing it. Maybe someone picks this up and creates a lucrative business, who knows. So the idea is to have a place that would rent and sell crutches and stuff like that on weekends. It might even have a delivery service. A young man next to Green Lantern even figured it could be a website. Kark24 or similar. Great idea, don't you think?
So anyway, the night continued, but there were still not too many people in Möku, so we were feeling pretty great. I ordered a peculiar cocktail, which we thought of on the spot. It's pretty much a bottle of Schweppes Russchian and some orange juice. At first the taste was quite nice, but the end got a bit too bitter for my taste, but I guess some would like that. No alcohol, still sober.
We had an interesting discussion with Green Lantern on people who look like celebrities. Apparently there are at least two people in Tartu who look exactly like Johnny Depp. Good for them, I guess.
Another thing to mention is the shirt Roosi wore today. It was a cool red shirt with some buttons on it, meaning it was easy to unbutton. As the shirt was just the right size, Roosi could button it up and when she pulled her shoulders back, the shirt would become unbuttoned at the top. We had quite a laugh about the shirt. Great fun.
Some time later, when the bar was already quite full of people, a girl, who shall from this point forth be known as Catwoman, arrived. I'd been expecting her earlier, but apparently she took her time getting there and made it exactly when most people did. Catwoman had a beer and when she was half way done with it, the bar was so full it was getting uncomfortable, so we decided to finish our drinks and head to Zavood, which usually doesn't get too full of people before midnight. While Catwoman drank the beer, we were interrupted by Andrei, an annoying person known to many in these parts. He's not so bad when he's sober, but he usually isn't. I noted, that Andrei is a lot like herpes, because whenever you think he is gone, he somehow manages to show up again, usually at the most inconvenient moment. After I told dear old Herpes to not bother us, he left us alone to bother some Frenchmen at the other end of the bar. Some time later Catwoman finished her drink. I didn't see Aadi at the time so I only got to say goodbye to Roosi and we went on our merry way, towards the end of most nights - Zavood.
Oh, and right before leaving Möku a young man stopped me and told me that he liked my blog, This Blog, very much. He had a beer in hand and told me that he would drink that beer in the honor of my now apparently quite popular project. Thank you, young fan!
As expected, Zavood wasn't too full yet and we found a nice place by the window and decided to wait for people to show up. I noticed that we got there at about 11pm. I got a beer for Catwoman and a virgin Cuba Libre for myself. Yes, that is just coke. I had the bartender put some ice and lemon in it, so people would think I'm drinking an actual Cuba Libre. Later I found a flier on the table that had a picture of a Cuba Libre, but with a slice of lime instead, so it would seem I failed at that, too. Oh well.
We sat there with Catwoman for quite a while and for a moment I thought we'd be sitting there all night, no friends or anything. It wasn't a bad thing, not at all. We discussed my blog and I showed her my little black notebook, from which she pointed out the word treepy, mentioned in a previous post, and I showed her the music video that gave us the idea for this peculiar word. I knew treepy would be famous!
A little bit after I had my Forever Alone moment we were joined by two friends, one of them will be called Chuck Norris (whoever dares to say that he isn't a superhero will have to answer to Chuck Norris) and the other Danger Mouse. Apparently they weren't familiar with my quest for sobriety, so I explained the situation and they seemed to like the idea. Chuck Norris even dropped a very interesting remark I hadn't heard before. Apparently, Chuck Norris knows all the digits of Pi.
So I sat there, with Catwoman, Chuck Norris and Danger Mouse, drinking my virgin Cuba Libre and discussing general stuff, when we are joined by a young man I met on Kevinday, who from now on is known as Superman. He was quite drunk, but as I explained my quest for commonly known superheroes, he understood my predicament and joined in. After a short while Superman got up and decided to bring everyone a beer. I declined gracefully, but figured I should go to the toilet. On my way, however, I was stopped by a girl, who shall now be called Lois Lane. Amazingly she did not know Superman personally and I didn't get the chance to introduce them, as she invited me for a game of Foosball. I forgot I had to pee and went on to lose two games against some young men who I didn't know personally. Let it be known that these two were the only games I lost that night. I don't want to lose my legendary street cred on this. Those were my first two games of the night and I tend to suck at 2 vs 2, so I consider myself excused. Sorry, Lois Lane.
After losing twice against those two (probably) semi-professional players, Lois Lane had to go home, so we went outside, had a little chat and she went on her way.
At this point Zavood was already quite full of people and I soon noticed an old friend of mine, who shall now be called Batman, in the distance. Batman and his friend (no, not Robin), who as a group called themselves Karlova Gang 2, just came in to check who's in, but as we talked next to the Foosball table, I offered to have a game or two. Since they admitted to not being too good at Foosball, I figured I could take them 2 vs 1 and I won the game 6:4. Yes, I am very proud of this. Batman's friend was actually quite good and mid-game some girls showed up, who Batman called the Kevins for some reason, and started interrupting my 2 vs 1.
Anyway, after that one game, we had another one with the girls on either side and our side managed to end the game with 8:2. Good game, unfamiliar girl, good game indeed.
As Batman, his friend and the Kevins went on with their evening, I decided to join Catwoman and the group, but soon discovered that Chuck Norris and Danger Mouse had left and in their stead there were a couple of people I'd never met before. Who knows, maybe they transformed to hide their identities. Also, Rorschach had taken my seat again, so went out to cool down after two strenuous games of Foosball. Boy, I like that game...
After I had cooled off in the company of Rorschach, I returned to find Catwoman with some girl I'd never met. We were introduced and apparently Catwoman and the girl had the same first name, so I shall call the girl the Second Catwoman. No point in naming her, however, since I didn't have a lot of interaction with her. I soon found myself standing in the middle of the room, sober and with nothing to do, until I saw Jeka. He asked how fared my sobriety and told him about the blog. I do like telling people about this thing.
Soon after that I was bored again and since the night didn't seem to be going anywhere, I found it best to leave. I said my goodbyes to Catwoman and some other people and went towards Krooks, as it is on the way home. I stepped into Krooks and didn't find many familiar faces, except Batman, who had made his way there with his friend and the Kevins. Since Krooks was very crowded at the time, I waved Batman goodbye and left.
I pushed Play on my tiny music box and walked home, with snowfall straight to my face and a limited field of vision. I didn't find any money this time.
It must have been under the snow.
P.S. I'm not sure about the next post, as I plan to LAN away with some friends on Saturday and that wouldn't probably make for a very interesting read. However, if something interesting does go down, I will probably write about it. I'm almost half-way done with my sobriety and so far haven't had any problem, if you don't consider being bored a problem. Tonight was not boring at all, so there seems to be some hope still left for humanity. I mean sobriety.
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